UT Knoxville

UT Knoxville Handbooks & Procedures

Campus Procedure Contact: Kim McCullock, kmccul13@utk.edu

University of Tennessee Knoxville Procedures

BT0029-K – Housing Allowances for Senior-Level Administrators

Board of Trustees Policy BT0018 provides guidelines on the payment of housing allowances for senior level administrators. This supplement provides additional requirements for the Knoxville and UTSI campuses.

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FI00002-K Animals in the Workplace

To protect the health and safety of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, campus students, employees and visitors; to maintain a professional and clean environment in which to study, work, conduct research and visit; to protect the integrity of research activities; and to promote the welfare and safety of animals.

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FI00003-K Apple App Volume Purchases

To provide guidelines on departmental purchases of “Apps” for Apple devices.

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FI00005-K Procedures – University Reserves

This procedure establishes guidelines for university reserve funds, including size, oversight, and
reporting requirements.

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FI00006-K Research Incentive Plan Procedure

This procedure establishes guidelines for faculty research incentive plans.

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FI00007-K Emergency Closure Pay

This protocol provides guidance on adjustments to normal payroll and human resources procedures to address the unique circumstances and requirements of an emergency in regards to employee compensation. The goal is to provide flexible guidance to execute adjusted compensation protocols that protects the financial solvency of the university by ensuring the capability to compensate employees designated as necessary for response and recovery and easing the financial impact of employees not designated to work during the closure. This procedure is subject to change depending on the unique circumstances of an even and upon approval by the Chancellor, his/her designee, or the Policy Group. Any reference to compensation throughout this document is subject to the University’s ability to fund the benefit.

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FI00010-K Inclement Weather FAQ

These FAQ’s are intended to be a guide to employees on the UTK campus. Staff working in departments with an approved emergency closing plan, should consult with their supervisors. The plan for individual departments must be approved by the appropriate Vice Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration.

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FI00012-K On Call Pay

To provide policies and procedures for the Knoxville campus for on-call pay for non-exempt employees.

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FI00015-K Review of Accounts Receivable Dept Business Office
FI00016-K Review of Accounts Receivable Year End
FI00017-K Special Course Fee Manual
FI00018-K Suites or Luxury Accommodations

The objective of Fiscal Policy FI0705 is to provide policies and procedures on the allowance of travel expenditures. The policy provides guidance on lodging and allowable expenditures related to lodging.

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FI00019-K – Mobile Food Vendors

To provide policies and guidelines regarding mobile food vendors on property owned and maintained by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. This policy was developed to address mobile food vendor solicitation requests and proper administrative oversight. The policy applies to all employees, students, and visitors to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Institute of Agriculture campuses.

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FI00021-K – Indoor Facility Usage for Authorized Events
FI00022-K – Outdoor Facility Usage for Authorized Events

his document is intended as a guide to the reservation policy for the use of outdoor spaces on the University of Tennessee, Knoxville campus. All usage and reservation of outdoor space must comply with the rule “Use of University Property, TUAPA 1720-01-02.” Usage of University property is subject to all University rules, policies, and procedures, including this University Space Policy, and is subject to any relevant federal, state, and local laws.

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FI0140-K – Unclaimed Property

To provide guidance to the Knoxville campus on where to take unclaimed property, including “lost and found” items.

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FI0205-1-K – Sponsored Grants and Contracts – Schedule of Final Charges

The objective of Fiscal Policy FI0205 is to provide guidance on administering grants and contracts. The purpose of this supplemental policy is to strengthen the timeliness of the closeout process included in FI0205 to reduce risk to the University.

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FI0205-2-K – Sponsored Grants and Contracts – Capital Expenditures

The objective of this procedure is to provide guidance in the posting of capital expenditures on sponsored projects. The purpose of this procedure is to establish a best practice for ensuring compliance with the rule by the Management and Budget Office regarding Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance) for prior approval of equipment purchases.

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FI0313-K Gift Cards

The purpose of Fiscal Policy 313 is to provide policies and procedures on the purchase, distribution, tracking and accounting for Gift Cards and Gift Certificates. In addition to the policies outlined in Fiscal Policy 313, the Knoxville campus provides further guidance to the requests for the purchase of gift cards, gift certificates and distribution of cash.

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FI0405-K Procurement

To provide policies and procedures for the Knoxville campus and UTSI for the informal bidding process as a supplement to fiscal policy.

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FI0420-K – Contracts

The purpose of Fiscal Policy FI0405 is to provide guidelines on the execution of contractual agreements between the University and an entity.

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FI0705-K – International Travel
FI0715-K Entertainment, Group Arranged Events, Food and Housing Purchases of UT Sponsored Conferences and Seminars

The objective of Fiscal Policy FI0715-Entertainment is to provide policies and procedures on the payment and reimbursement of entertainment expenses. The policy outlines situations where it is appropriate for entertainment expenses to be paid by the university.

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FI0730-K Cellular Telephones and Other Wireless Communications Devices

The purpose of Fiscal Policy FI0730 is to acknowledge the University recognizes that cellular telephones, smart phones, data plans, and the ability to remotely connect to the Internet are routinely needed by various employees to efficiently perform their University responsibilities.

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GE0001-K Procedure on the Development of Campus Policies and Procedures

The central framework of this procedure will help UTK create clear and consistent Campus Policy Documents and promote transparency, consistency, efficiency, and compliance, including compliance with UT System Policy Documents.

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HR0446-K – Volunteer Activity Procedure

Eligible employees may use up to 8 paid work hours each calendar year to participate in volunteer activities.

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HR0580-K Bullying Procedure

This procedure makes clear that bullying is unacceptable on our campus. In instances where this behavior is happening, this procedure provides guidance on available resources.

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IT00001-K Computer Lab Use
IT00002-K Electronic Resource Use
IT00003-K Google Apps Usage
IT00004-K Information Security
IT00005-K Office 365 OneDrive for Business Usage
IT00006-K Registered Network Device Retention

All computing devices to be used on the UTK network must be registered with the Office of Information Technology in order to provide domain name resolution. The Network Registration web site, netreg.utk.edu, allows you to maintain your list of devices registered on the network.

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IT00007-K Wireless Network
OP00001-K Air Conditioning (changeover from heating)
OP00002-K Alcohol Policy

To provide guidance to the Knoxville campus on the possession, use and purchase of alcohol on campus and the purchase of alcohol off campus.

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OP00003-K Antennae, Aerials and Communications Dishes
OP00004-K Bicycle Racks
OP00005-K Code Compliance – Fire
OP00006-K Conduit – Cable
OP00007-K Connections – Utilities
OP00008-K Digging
OP00009-K Electrical Problems, New Installations, and Wiring Changes
OP00010-K Elevators
OP00011-K Energy Conservation

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville “UT Knoxville” is committed to a policy of energy efficiency and energy conservation, particularly during this time of rising utility costs, tighter budgets and new Instruction on campus. This policy identifies energy conservation as a significant issue for UT Knoxville and outlines steps to manage and reduce energy consumption on campus in a manner that is consistent with the university’s mission and goals for instruction, research and public service.

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OP00013-K Heating – Changeover from Air Conditioning
OP00014-K Locks
OP00017-K Posting of Notices
OP00018-K Posting of Political & Commercial Items
OP00023-K Signs – Buildings and Interior
OP00024-K Skateboarding
OP00025-K Parking
OP00026-K Publication Authorization Numbering

State law requires all publications of the University be reviewed and numbered for recordkeeping and reporting of costs. The review and numbering process is required before the publication is printed and the Publication Authorization Number (PAN) is to be printed on the publication.

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OP00027-K Security Cameras

UT is committed to enhancing the quality of life of the campus community by integrating the best practices of safety and security with technology. A critical component of a comprehensive security plan is the utilization of video surveillance equipment. The use of video surveillance equipment is intended to deter crime and assist in protecting the safety and property of the UT community, including investigative leads for past incidents.

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OP00028-K Unmanned Aircraft Systems – Drones
OP00029-K Temporary Signage
RE00001-K Creation and Publication of images of human remains and cultural objects subject to NAGPRA protections

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville and its institutes (UTK) are subject to the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 (NAGPRA), which encompasses Native American human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects and objects of cultural patrimony. More information about UTK’s NAGPRA-related activities and policies and contact information for the UTK NAGPRA committee can be obtained by visiting http://tiny.utk.edu/NAGPRA

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SAAD001-K UTK Safety Plan
SAAD002-K Physical Security

This Procedure is adopted to formalize procedures for the installation and use of electronic security equipment and applies to all buildings owned or monitored by the University except residential halls and all UT employees, students, visitors, vendors, contractors, and others who use University buildings. Electronic security equipment is installed only after a determination that it is needed in accordance with this procedure.

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SAAD003-K – Actions of Regulatory Agencies

The purpose of this procedure is to familiarize the campus community with the possible actions of regulatory agencies.

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SAAD015-K – Records Retention

The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance for the proper management records related to safety, industrial hygiene and environmental protection.

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SAAD020-K – Hazard Surveillance

It shall be the mission of the University of Tennessee to proactively identify and correct noted safety, occupational health and environmental problems. As part of a comprehensive safety program the University will conduct routine hazard surveillance inspections. It is the responsibility of every employee to ensure their work area is free of hazardous and unsafe conditions.

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SAAD021-K – Reporting Safety Hazards and Near Misses

The University of Tennessee (UT) recognizes the need to provide a method for employees to report potential health and safety hazards or concerns. All reported concerns will be addressed, investigated and corrective measures taken when necessary. Employees are free from retaliatory or disciplinary actions for reporting safety concern.

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SAAD022-K – Incident & Accident Reporting

It shall be the policy of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, to prevent injury to staff, faculty, students and visitor while on campus property and engaged in university-sponsored activities. One component of a comprehensive injury prevention program is incident/accident investigation. Non-injury accidents (also known as near misses) shall be reported using the incident report form, which is available from the Workers Compensation Office.

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SAAD023-K – Imminent Danger

To establish a program to identify and manage situations that represent an imminent danger to life or health.

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SAEC001-K – Hazardous Waste Management Plan

The purpose of this procedure is to provide a framework for those individuals on campus who generate or handle hazardous waste. Consult Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations or Environmental Health and Safety for additional information regarding hazardous waste.

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SAEC002-K – Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan

In order to reduce hazards to employees, property and the environment in the event there is an incident involving hazardous waste materials at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) has developed the following contingency plan.
This plan will be implemented in a fire, explosion, or release of hazardous material or waste which threatens public health or the environment occurs at UTK. The appendices to the plan name the EH&S emergency coordinators and list the emergency equipment available for response.

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SAEC003-K – Hazardous Waste Reduction Plan
SAEC004-K – Chemical Inventories

The purpose of this procedure is to provide a framework for those individuals on campus who are in possession of hazardous substances. A list of regulatory agencies that require a chemical inventory is listed later.

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SAEC020-K – Recycling and Waste Reduction

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for recycling and waste reduction.

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SAEC021-K – Electronic Waste Policy

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for electronic waste disposal in accordance with the National Recycling Coalition’s Electronics Recycling Initiative and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations (40 CFR 261).

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SAEC023-K – Rags and Absorbents Disposal

The purpose of this guideline is to ensure that various absorbent materials are properly managed and disposed on campus.

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SAEC040-K – Asbestos and ACM Management Plan

The purpose of this plan is to provide guidance for the proper management of asbestos-containing materials (ACM) on campus.

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SAEC041-K – Lead Management Plan

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the proper management of lead on campus.

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SAEC042-K – Mercury Reduction Guidelines

This guide demonstrates the risks of mercury to people and the environment and provides guidance for responsible use and disposal.

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SAEC043-K – Pesticide Management

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the proper management of pesticides on campus.

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SAEC060-K – Environmental Inspections and Audits

The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance for environmental inspections and audits.

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SAFS001-K – Portable Fire Extinguishers

The University of Tennessee provides and maintains portable fire extinguishers in all facilities for use in the event of a fire. The extinguishers, as well as their installation and maintenance, must meet requirements found in National Fire Protection Association standard number 10.

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SAFS002-K – Fire Drills

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for fire drills.

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SAFS010-K – Hot Work

To establish a program and procedures for controlling fire hazards resulting from work activities that have the potential to produce flames, sparks, or significant heat.

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SAFS011-K – Fire Watch

This procedure outlines the guidelines for posting a fire watch.

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SAFS020-K – Use and Storage of Flammable and Combustible Liquids

It shall be the policy of the University of Tennessee that special precautions shall be taken in areas where flammable or combustible liquids are used, stored, or dispensed to reduce fire and explosion hazards.

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SAFS030-K – Decorations

The purpose of this documents is to provide guidance on the use of decorations in university buildings.

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SAGS001-K – Office Safety

All work performed in University of Tennessee offices and administrative areas will be conducted using safe work practices. Office and administrative areas will be maintained free of recognized hazards.

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SAGS010-K – AED’s

The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance for proper management of AEDs on campus.

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SAGS025-K – Alternative Vehicles

To establish guidelines for the safe use of alternative vehicles while operating on university streets or property.

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SAGS030-K – Portable Space Heaters

The purposes of these guidelines are to ensure that portable space heaters do not create a hazard to facility, employees, visitors or students.

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SAGS035-K – Portable Fans

This guide is intended to provide information for the proper selection and safe use of portable fans used for comfort, to provide temporary ventilation, to circulate air, or provide cooling.

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SAGS040-K – Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention

This guideline has been developed to address falls and fall accidents that occur on the same walking surface, (interior and exterior) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

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SAGS041-K – Fall Protection

The purpose of this program is to outline the fall protection requirements to minimize/eliminate fall related injuries. This Fall Protection Program prescribes the duty to provide fall protection; sets the criteria and practices for fall protection; and outlines required training and recordkeeping. This program is developed in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations.

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SAGS045-K – Ladder Safety

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that the ladders are operated on the University of Tennessee Knoxville campus following OSHA, and other federal, state, and local regulations.

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SAGS050-K – Personal Protective Equipment

This policy provides guidelines to ensure the proper selection, use, and care of PPE through work area hazard assessments and appropriate employee training.

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SAGS060-K – Machine Guarding

According to OSHA there are approximately 18,000 amputations, lacerations, crushing injuries, and abrasions per year. There are also 800 deaths per year that are associated with improper or no machine guarding. The majority of these types of injuries and deaths could have been prevented by having proper machine guarding in place. A good rule to remember is: Any machine part, function, or process which may cause injury must be safeguarded
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the need and solutions to proper machine guarding in the workplace.

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SAGS070-K – Electrical Safety

This document serves as a guide to relevant regulatory requirement related to electrical workplace safety. The goal is to ensure that UTK employees understand and comply with the regulatory requirements of OSHA’s electrical standard (29 CFR 1910. Subpart S) and to protect all students, staff, faculty, and visitors on the UTK campus.

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SAGS080-K – Control of Hazardous Energy

It shall be the policy of the University of Tennessee to following accepted standards and regulations to protect the health and well-being of its employees and students. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Control of Hazardous Energy (also known as lockout/tagout) shall be implemented and followed by affected individuals.

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SAGS100-K – Confined Space Entry

To establish a program for safe entry into permit-required confined spaces at the UT Knoxville campus. This program establishes the controls and responsibilities for entering, working in, and exiting permit-required and non-permit required confined spaces in both general industry settings and in construction environments.

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SAGS130-K – Forklift Safety

The purpose of this guide is to inform operators and supervisors of operators of their obligation to follow OSHA, NFPA, and other federal, state and local regulations pertaining to the use of powered industrial trucks and forklifts operated at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. It also outlines training and evaluation procedures. As a guide, it is not a substitute for the regulations themselves, but a summary of important considerations.

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SAHM001-K – Hazard Communications

The purpose of this document is to ensure that the hazards of chemicals used in the workplace are evaluated, and those hazards are communicated to both employers and employees. In addition, the purpose is to minimize hazardous exposure to chemicals and to provide information to emergency personnel, as required by TOSHA’s Hazard Communication Right-to-Know Standard and the Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory Standard.

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SAHM002-K – Offsite Shipping (DOT Shipping Guidelines)

The purpose of this procedure is to provide a framework for those individuals on campus who ship and transport hazardous materials or dangerous goods for transport following all applicable DOT regulations.

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SAHM010-K – Bloodborne Pathogens

The purpose of this written program is to provide a framework for minimizing or eliminating occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens, in accordance with OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.1930.

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SAHM011-K – Compressed Gases and Cryogenics

This guideline adheres to the Occupational Safety and Health Administrations (OSHA) compressed gas standards as found in 29 CFR 1910.101.

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SAIH001-K – Local Exhaust Ventilation

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the use and testing of local exhaust ventilation (LEV) systems on campus.

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SAIH002-K – Chemical Fume Hoods

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the use and testing of chemical fume hoods on campus.

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SAIH004-K – Air Monitoring & Indoor Air Quality

The purpose of these guidelines is to provide a safer working environment for students, staff and faculty. Air monitoring is a recognized method to evaluate and characterize air contaminants that may impact the health of the university community, as well as determine the presence of mold and other air contaminants in the workplace. It shall be the mission of the University of Tennessee to provide a work environment that is safe and reasonably comfortable. Complaints involving indoor air quality shall be investigated to determine the cause and evaluate the risk (if any) to occupants.

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SAIH010-K – Hearing Conservation Program

This program is designed to prevent hearing loss for students, staff and employees while engaged in university-sponsored activities.

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SAIH020-K – Heat Stress

The purpose of this procedure is to reduce the risk of illness, injury, or death for those individuals on campus who work in hot environments and are susceptible to heat related illnesses.

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SALS001-K – Laboratory Health & Safety

The University of Tennessee is committed to providing a healthy and safe working and learning environment, and to supporting environmentally sound practices in the conduct of University activities. It is University policy to comply with all applicable regulations and requirements related to research and teaching in laboratories. All university activities are to be conducted in a manner that ensures the protection of students, faculty, staff, visitors, and the environment. To this end, the University has created a laboratory safety policy, the goal of which is to minimize the risk of injury or illness to laboratory researchers and workers. To accomplish this goal, the University will endeavor to provide the facilities, equipment, training and support necessary to maintain safe laboratories.

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SALS002-K – Laboratory Audit Procedure

This protocol is intended as a guide for planning, conducting, and responding to a research laboratory safety audit.

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SALS010-K – Laboratory Door Placards

Laboratories often contain hazardous materials, equipment, and processes that could endanger first responders. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that responsible units and laboratory owners provide emergency responders with posted signage outside of laboratories that adequately identify and communicate significant hazards.

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SALS020-K – Chemical Hygiene Plan
SALS030-K – Controlled Substances

The acquisition, use and disposal of controlled substances in the state of Tennessee are strictly regulated by the Tennessee State Board of Pharmacy and the United States Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration (US DEA). These regulations are intended to prevent diversion of controlled substances. The purpose of this document is to ensure that researchers planning work with controlled substances are aware of and understand their responsibility for complying with the relevant state and federal statutes and regulations governing the use of these substances.

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SALS040-K – Minors in Laboratories and Shops

UT System-wide Policy SA0550 (Minors in Laboratories and Shops) requires that affected campuses shall develop a written plan and appropriate supporting and administrative documents (e.g. forms) to address minors who are involved in university-sponsored activities in laboratories or shops on campus. This document represents the plan for the University of Tennessee, Knoxville departments or coordinated programs to protect the safety and health of minors on campus who are engaged in University sponsored activities in laboratories and shops.

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