BT0001 – Statement of Governance and Trustee Commitment
BT0002 – Code of Ethics for Trustees
BT0003 – Conflict of Interest Policy for Trustees
BT0004 – Process for Appointment of the Student Member of the Board of Trustees
The “University of Tennessee Focusing on Campus and University Success (FOCUS) Act,” enacted in 2018, provides that a non-voting student member of the Board of Trustees shall be appointed in a manner determined by the Board. The Act further provides that the student member position shall be for a one-year term, beginning July 1 and ending the following June 30; that the appointment shall be made by May 31 of each year; and that the position shall rotate annually among UT campuses according to the following sequence: University of Tennessee Health Science Center; University of Tennessee, Knoxville; University of Tennessee at Martin; and University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
In compliance with the UT FOCUS Act, the Board of Trustees establishes this process for selection and appointment of a non-voting student member of the Board of Trustees.
BT0005 – Process for Appointment of a Faculty Member to the Education, Research, and Service Committee
The “University of Tennessee Focusing on Campus and University Success (FOCUS) Act,” enacted in 2018, provides that the “standing committee with responsibility for oversight of academic affairs and student success shall include one (1) voting full-time faculty member of a University of Tennessee institution.” The Act further provides that the faculty member shall be selected and appointed in a manner determined by the Board of Trustees; that the appointment shall be for a one-year term, beginning on July 1 and ending the following June 30; that the appointment shall rotate among the campuses in a manner determined by the Board of Trustees; and that the appointment shall be made by May 31 of each year. At its organizational meeting on August 1, 2018, the Board of Trustees determined that the initial appointment would be made from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and thereafter rotate according to the following sequence before returning to UT Knoxville: University of Tennessee at Martin; University of Tennessee at Chattanooga; and University of Tennessee Health Science Center.
In compliance with the UT FOCUS Act, the Board of Trustees establishes this process for selection and appointment of a full-time faculty member to the Education, Research, and Service Committee of the Board.
BT0006 – Policies Governing Academic Freedom Responsibility and Tenure
The Board of Trustees is constituted by statute of the State of Tennessee as the governing body of The University of Tennessee, with complete and full authority over the organization and administration of the University and its constituent parts, and over the granting of tenure to members of the faculty.
The principal mission of the University is the discovery and dissemination of truth through teaching, research and service. The Board recognizes that freedom of inquiry and expression is indispensable for this purpose and believes that it and the administration and faculty should cooperate to that end. In the University’s program of teaching, research and service, it is essential that the Board, administration and faculty cooperate voluntarily, each contributing freely, according to his or her qualifications, in a mutually beneficial exchange of information and ideas.
The following statement is intended to record the policy and procedures of the University with respect to academic freedom, responsibility, and tenure. The Board considers these principles compatible with its statutory authority and responsibilities and the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech and inquiry to each citizen of the United States.
Full Policy >BT0007 – Policy on Faculty Handbook Revisions
The University of Tennessee Board of Trustees wishes to affirm the Board’s position regarding approvals needed for faculty handbook revisions.
Full Policy >BT0008 – Policy on Awarding of Degrees and Certificates in Memoriam
The policy outlines the requirements and guidelines, including various delegations of responsibilities, applicable to the conferral and revocation of degrees, honorary degrees, posthumous degrees and memorial certificates. This policy is applicable to all University campuses.
Full Policy >BT0009 – Procedural Framework for Academic Program Discontinuance
This procedural framework sets out the minimum procedures to be followed by any campus or institute proposing discontinuance of an academic program. For this purpose, a program includes any academic unit or discipline identified by the National Center for Education Statistics Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP codes) and any unit with a unique and identifiable function within such an academic unit or discipline. The latter includes units with such unique specializations that the faculty would not normally cross from that unit to another within the larger academic unit or discipline. A program is not limited to degree-granting programs and may include non-instructional units such as laboratories and research programs. In any case an academic program or function must serve as an entity for which there may be an expectation for an evaluation of the entity’s function and performance as a whole, separate and distinct from the annual evaluation(s) of the member(s) of the entity.
Full Policy >BT0010 – Policy Affirming Principles of Free Speech for Students and Faculty
The purpose of this policy is to affirm certain principles of free speech for students and faculty at The University of Tennessee in accordance with the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, Article I, Section 19 of the Tennessee Constitution, and the Campus Free Speech Protection Act.
Full Policy >BT0011 – Statement of Policy on Patents, Copyrights, and Other Intellectual Property
BT0012 – Policy on Setting Faculty Salaries upon Conclusion of Administrative Appointments
This policy prescribes the standards for setting faculty salaries for employees who continue to hold faculty appointments after their Salary-Based Administrative Appointments have concluded. This policy also provides for a system-wide fiscal policy to govern the setting of faculty salaries for employees who continue to hold faculty appointments after their Supplement-Based Administrative Appointments have concluded.
Full Policy >BT0013 – Policy Concerning English Language Competency of UT Instructional Staff
BT0014 – Policy Concerning Admission Preference for Residents
The purpose of this policy is to comply with the provisions of Chapter 950 of the 2006 Tennessee Public Acts [Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-7-138], which requires adoption of a policy concerning preference to residents of the State of Tennessee for admission to Tennessee public higher education institutions.
Full Policy >BT0015 – Policy on Oversight of Intercollegiate Athletics
This policy details the oversight role of the Board of Trustees relating to intercollegiate athletics and specific responsibilities of the Chancellors and the intercollegiate athletics departments relating to the Board’s oversight role.
Full Policy >BT0016 – Policy on Affiliated Foundations
The University of Tennessee Board of Trustees hereby acknowledges the advantages and benefits of related foundations in achieving the overall missions of the University. As an instrumentality of the State of Tennessee, the University has certain statutory, policy, and fiscal responsibilities. Foundations exist as a viable and constructive way to address unintended limitations imposed on public higher education while not circumventing legal or ethical considerations. Many institutions of higher education have multiple related foundations to address a variety of mission specific objectives. Accordingly, it is not an anomaly in higher education to have one or more related foundations as each foundation serves different roles and constituencies within the enterprise. However, accountability of related foundations, and of the institution as it relates to the foundation, are common concerns to the foundation, the institution, and the governing boards.
The University of Tennessee has three related supporting foundations. Each of the three foundations has a unique history, and each serves a unique purpose. Given this uniqueness in the history and purpose of the three foundations, differences in how the University relates to the foundations are reasonable and appropriate. The purpose of this policy is to articulate the role and responsibilities of the University Board of Trustees with respect to related foundations and thereby foster a sound and mutually supportive relationship that will strengthen foundation operations and enhance their advantages and benefits to the University.
BT0017 – Policy on Naming of Facilities and Other Assets
The purpose of this policy is to establish principles and guidelines governing the naming of facilities, academic components (such as schools, colleges, departments, and programs), and other significant assets of the University so that the names of these important assets are carefully deployed for the long term as assets of the University, its student, and the people of Tennessee.
Full Policy >BT0018 – Policy on Smoking
The purpose of this policy is to protect the health and safety of University students, employees, and visitors; to promote a healthy and safe work, educational, and living environment; and to comply with applicable state laws regarding smoking. This policy is adopted by the Board of Trustees to provide the University’s campuses and institutes the authority to regulate or prohibit smoking in accordance with applicable state laws.
Full Policy >BT0019 – Process for Submitting Legislative Proposals and Funding Requests to the General Assembly
This policy implements Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-7-1002, which aims to protect and maintain the integrity of current prioritization and strategic planning processes established to be use limited state funds for public higher education toward greatest need and opportunity and to ensure prudent fiscal policy.
Full Policy >BT0020 – Process for the Campus Advisory Board to Submit a Recommendation to the President on the Proposed Strategic Plan for the Campus
The Bylaws of the Board of Trustees provide that the Board is responsible for approving the strategic plan for each University of Tennessee campus. Tennessee law requires the campus Advisory Board to submit a recommendation to the President on the proposed strategic plan for the campus prior to approval by the Board of Trustees. Tennessee law also requires that the Advisory Board submit the recommendation to the President in accordance with the process established by the Board of Trustees.
Full Policy >BT0021 – Process for the Campus Advisory Board to Submit a Recommendation to the President on the Annual Operating Budget
Under Tennessee law and the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, the Board is responsible for approving the annual operating budget for the University of Tennessee, including tuition and fees for each campus. Tennessee law requires the campus Advisory Board to submit a recommendation to the President on the proposed annual operating budget, including tuition and fees, as it relates to the campus prior to adoption of the annual operating budget for the University by the Board of Trustees. Tennessee law also requires that the Advisory Board submit the recommendation to the President in accordance with the process established by the Board of Trustees.
Full Policy >BT0022 – Policy on Approval of Student Fees
To provide for the consistent administration of student fees and charges.
Full Policy >BT0023 – Policy on a Student Programs and Services Fee
BT0024 – Statement of Treasury Policy
This policy shall govern the deposit, disbursement, and investment of University funds.
Full Policy >BT0025 – Board of Trustees Statement of Investment Policy
The purpose of this document is to identify various policies and procedures that provide for a prudent and efficient investment program evidencing that the University’s endowed assets are invested with care, skill, and diligence.
Full Policy >BT0026 – Debt Management
Debt management policies provide written guidance about the amount and type of debt issued by governments, the issuance process, and the management of the debt portfolio. A debt management policy tailored to the needs of the Board: (1) identifies policy goals and demonstrates a commitment to long-term financial planning; (2) improves the quality of decisions; and (3) provides justification for the structure of debt issuance. Adherence to its debt management policy signals to rating agencies and the capital markets that the Board is well-managed and should meet its obligations in a timely manner.
Debt levels and their related annual costs are important long-term obligations that must be managed within available resources. An effective debt management policy provides guidelines for the Board to manage its debt programs in line with those resources.
BT0027 – Policy on Presidential Performance Reviews
The purposes of the annual performance review are: (1) to enable the President to enhance his or her performance and leadership; (2) to promote good communications and strong working relationships between the President, the Board, and University constituencies; (3) to enable the President and Board to set mutually agreeable goals; and (4) to inform Board decisions on compensation and other terms of employment for the President.
Performance reviews have the following additional purposes: (1) to solicit the informed perceptions of the Trustees and members of the University’s major stakeholder groups on broader aspects of institutional health, management, and governance; (2) to engage and inform a wide range of University constituencies; and (3) to enable the President to develop plans for his or her professional development.
Full Policy >BT0028 – Discretionary Expenditure Reporting for the President and Chancellors
The President and the Chancellors have operating budgets approved for their office that are audited by the University’s Office of Audit and Compliance using a risked-based approach. The President and the Chancellors may also have use of or access to discretionary funds not part of their general operating budget. In compliance with requirements of the Higher Education Accountability Act of 2004, Tennessee Code Annotated §§ 49-14-101 et seq., the Board of Trustees adopts this policy statement to ensure adequate oversight and accountability with respect to expenditure of these discretionary funds.
Full Policy >BT0029 – Policy on Housing Allowances for Senior-level Administrators
The policy shall govern the payment of housing allowances to senior-level administrators.
Full Policy >BT0030 – Policy Statement on Travel
The purpose of this policy is to establish broad principles governing travel by University employees, members of the Board of Trustees, and other University guests, including the use and operation of aircraft owned by the university (hereinafter “university aircraft”)
Full Policy >BT0031 – Policy on Settlement of Claims and Litigation
This policy establishes specific requirements for approval and oversight of the settlement of claims and litigation, including approval of settlements above a certain amount by either the Executive Committee or the Audit and Compliance Committee of the Board of Trustees, and reserves certain approval authority in the Board itself.
Full Policy >BT0032 – Policy on Capital Project Planning and Approvals
BT0033 – Policy on Research Security
The mission of The University of Tennessee (the “University”) is to serve all Tennesseans and beyond through education, discovery and outreach that enables strong economic, social and environmental well-being. Consistent with the Be One UT values, the Board of Trustees (the “Board”) is dedicated to governing the University in a manner that will advance the public’s trust and confidence in the University and its mission through, among other things: (i) setting high standards; (ii) fostering integrity through openness, accountability, and stewardship; (iii) embracing the free exchange of knowledge and ideas; and (iii) collaborating internally and externally for greater impact.
Full Policy >BT0034 – Policy on Institutional Accreditation
This policy is established to ensure compliance with the institutional accreditation policy requirements as stipulated in Tennessee Public Chapter 868 (2024).
Full Policy >BT0035 – Policy on Artificial Intelligence
The University’s mission is to serve “all Tennesseans and beyond through education, discovery and outreach that enables strong economic, social and environmental well-being.” Pursuant to the Be One UT values, the University strives to: (i) be bold and impactful, (ii) inspire creative and
transformational action, and (iii) foster integrity through openness, accountability, and stewardship. Consistent with the University’s mission and core values, the Board recognizes that AI technologies will continue to evolve and that it is imperative for Students, Faculty, and Staff to have the opportunity to succeed and thrive
in a world transformed by AI.