System-wide Policy: BT0034- Policy on Institutional Accreditation | |
Version: 1 |
Effective Date: 10/25/2024 |
This policy is established to ensure compliance with the institutional accreditation policy requirements as stipulated in Tennessee Public Chapter 868 (2024). (Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-7-185). - SCOPE
This policy applies to all institutions within The University of Tennessee (“University”). - OVERVIEW
- General. Accreditation in the United States is a periodic, peer-based system of review of higher education institutions. The process is one element of several that are designed to assure the public of an institution’s commitment to academic quality and fiscal integrity, as well as to stimulate continuous improvement by an institution.
- Federal Financial Aid. In order for students of an institution of higher education to receive federal financial aid from the U.S. Department of Education (“Department”) for postsecondary study, the institution must be accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency.
- Recognized Institutional Accreditors. Under the Higher Education Act (“HEA”), the Department recognizes accrediting agencies that the U.S. Secretary of Education determines to be reliable authorities as to the quality of education or training provided by institutions of higher education, and the Department publishes a list of nationally recognized accrediting agencies (“Institutional Accrediting Agencies”). (34 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Part 602 and Section 496 of the HEA, as amended).
- Eligibility. All Institutional Accrediting Agencies, as published by the Department, are deemed by the Board of Trustees (“Board”) to be eligible to serve as an institutional accreditor for a University institution.
- Selection. Each institution may freely choose to pursue accreditation by any Institutional Accrediting Agency consistent with the review and approval process set forth herein.
- Reviews and Recommendations. Any proposed change in institutional accreditor by a University institution shall be reviewed and recommended by (i) its respective Chancellor, and (ii) the President of the University.
- Approvals. Pursuant to its Charter, the Education, Research, and Service Committee assists the Board in carrying out its fiduciary duty to oversee educational quality by, among other things, regularly reviewing institutional accreditation. As such, any proposed change in institutional accreditor by a University institution shall be submitted to the Committee for its review and consideration then presented to the Board for its approval, unless presented directly to the Board or the Executive Committee as may otherwise be permitted by the University’s Bylaws.
With respect to the University, if it is determined that an accrediting agency or association violates Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-7-185(b) (Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-7-185(b) – An accrediting agency or association shall not compel a public institution of higher education in this state to violate any state law. Any adverse action taken against a public institution of higher education in this state based, in whole or in part, on the institution’s compliance with any state law constitutes a violation of this section that may be enforced in accordance with this subsection (b), but only to the extent that the state law is not preempted by a federal law recognizing the necessity of the accreditation standard or requirement. A public institution of higher education in this state that is negatively affected by a violation of this section may bring a civil action against the accrediting agency or association in a court of competent jurisdiction in this state), the General Counsel shall notify the President of the University and the Board Secretary and Special Counsel. In accordance with state law, the Board Chair, on behalf of the Board, shall notify the general assembly. (Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-7-185(c)). - ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITY
The University’s Vice President for Academic Affairs, Research, and Student Success shall have the administrative responsibility for establishing such processes or other guidance as may be necessary for implementing the provisions of this policy and ensuring compliance with the provisions of Tennessee Public Chapter 868 (2024).
Adopted 10/25/2024