BT0027 – Policy on Presidential Performance Reviews


The purposes of the annual performance review are: (1) to enable the President to enhance his or her performance and leadership; (2) to promote good communications and  strong working relationships between the President, the Board, and University constituencies; (3) to enable the President and Board to set mutually agreeable goals; and (4) to inform Board decisions on compensation and other terms of employment for the President.

Performance reviews have the following additional purposes: (1) to solicit the informed perceptions of the Trustees and members of the University’s major stakeholder groups on broader aspects of institutional health, management, and governance; (2) to engage and inform a wide range of University constituencies; and (3) to enable the President to develop plans for his or her professional development.


The Board of Trustees is responsible for assessing the President’s performance and, in doing so, to solicit the views of other leaders within and outside the University.

The Board delegates to the Chair of the Board the responsibility for organizing and conducting an annual performance review of the President. This delegation of authority to the Chair is subject to the provisions of this policy and to the Board’s ultimate authority to approve or modify the Chair’s evaluation of the President’s performance. The Chair, in his or her discretion, may engage an external advisor to assist with evaluating the President’s performance in connection with the annual performance review process. 

The Chair of the Audit and Compliance Committee and Chair of one other standing committee (hereinafter “Committee Chairs”) shall participate in the annual review process as outlined below.


Self-Assessment and Proposed Goals. The President shall prepare a written self-assessment statement in a format and according to a timetable mutually agreed-upon by the President and the Chair. In addition to a retrospective review of goals previously agreed upon by the President and the Board and of other achievements, disappointments, or problems of the preceding year, the self-assessment statement shall include a prospective statement of challenges and opportunities facing the University and the President’s proposed goals for the coming year.

Constituency Survey and Interviews. The Chair, on behalf of the Board, shall solicit views of the President’s performance from various groups, including the senior administrative staff; faculty, student, staff, and alumni leadership; Speakers of the Tennessee Senate and House of Representatives; and  Trustees. Members of the senior administrative staff will be informed that they may request an interview with the Chair in person or by telephone to address the President’s performance.

Performance Review. The Chair shall then meet with the President to review the President’s self-assessment statement, proposed goals for the coming year, and the findings of the constituency survey and interviews. The Committee Chairs shall be present during the President’s review only as observers and not as participants. 

Assessment. The Chair shall prepare a written assessment of the President’s performance, including an aggregate summary of the views of the senior administrative   staff and of faculty, student, staff, alumni, and legislative leadership, and Trustees, which shall be circulated to the Committee Chairs.

After reviewing the Chair’s written assessment and recommended goals, the Committee Chairs may submit a separate written assessment of the President’s performance to the Executive Committee.

The Chair shall submit the following materials to the Executive Committee: (1) the President’s self-assessment statement and any additional information the Chair may have requested of the President; (2) the Chair’s written assessment of the President’s performance; (3) the President’s proposed goals for the coming year and the Chair’s recommendation concerning those goals; and (4) any recommendation of the Chair concerning the President’s compensation or other terms of employment. 

Committee/Board Action. In a previously scheduled or a called meeting, the Executive Committee shall approve or modify the Chair’s assessment of the President’s performance and recommendations concerning goals, compensation, and other terms of employment. The Committee’s action shall then be submitted to the full Board of Trustees for approval or modification. Notwithstanding the foregoing and in accordance with the Bylaws, the Chair may designate the Chair’s assessment of the President’s performance and recommendations concerning goals, compensation, and other terms of employment for deliberation and action at a scheduled or called meeting of the Board, without the prior review and recommendation of the Executive Committee.

The President shall be present at the meeting(s) of the Executive Committee and/or the Board of Trustees to answer questions about his or her performance and the proposed goals for  the coming year. At the discretion of the Chair, the President may be excused from the meeting(s) prior to discussion and voting on the President’s performance, goals, and compensation or other terms of employment.





06/21/2019 (technical revisions)
Amended and RestatedOctober 22, 2021

Policy Details:

BT0027 – Policy on Presidential Performance Reviews
Version: 6 // Effective: October 22, 2021
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