SIM111 – SIM CHIPS Access

No./Title: SIM 111 – Sim CHIPS Access

Resp. Office: SIMULATION

Approval Body: CASA

Effective Date: 01/01/2019

Category: Academic

Last Review: 03/02/2021

Next Review: 03/02/2024

Contact: Executive Director CHIPS

🕿 901.448.9746




SIM105- Sim Faculty-Facilitator Responsibilities

SIM106 – Remediation, Makeup, and Practice Policy

SIM xxx – Meetings

SIM110 – Tours


  1. Participants: anyone involved in or observers of simulation activity (e.g., students, learners, educators, instructors, faculty, staff, or observers)
  2. Learner: Student, resident, or healthcare professional engaged in a simulation-based educational or assessment activity.
  3. Simulation Faculty Facilitator: Any person meeting minimum simulation competencies, as determined by the Director of Education, who is associated with the delivery and planning of the simulation activity


  1. The Center for Healthcare Improvement and Patient Simulation (CHIPS) regulates access to physical spaces in order to promote a safe, secure, and healthy environment for all simulation participants.


  1. CHIPS maintains business hours of Monday 9am-5pm and Tuesday-Friday 8am-5pm.
  2. UTHSC students, faculty and staff are granted badge access to CHIPS entry doors during normal business hours.
  3. Badge access to spaces inside CHIPS must be approved by the Executive Director.
  4. Anyone accessing CHIPS that is not a UTHSC student, faculty, or staff must sign in and out at the main entrance, 26 S Dunlap Street.
  5. All learners or participants in CHIPS must be supervised by a Simulation Faculty Facilitator, unless granted special permission by the Executive Director.
  6. Any access CHIPS outside normal business hours must be approved by the Executive Director.
  7. Access to CHIPS is limited to simulation participants and individuals that have scheduled meetings or other business with CHIPS staff.
  8. Learners, students and other participants should not loiter in or use CHIPS space for unapproved purposes.
  9. Individuals or groups wishing to tour CHIPS should submit a tour request online.
  10. Individuals or groups that would like to use CHIPS for meetings or other non-simulation events should submit a meeting request online.
  11. Individuals or groups wishing to utilize CHIPS for practice should complete a request for independent practice online.


  1. NA


Effective: January 2019

Reviewed: March 2, 2021, CASA

Approved: March 6, 2021, Chief Academic Officer

SIM111 – SIM CHIPS Access
Version: 1 // Effective: 01/01/2019
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