SIM105 – Sim Faculty/Facilitator Responsibilities

SIM105 Sim Faculty/Facilitator Responsibilities

No./Title: SIM105 – Sim Faculty/Facilitator Responsibilities

Resp. Office: CHIPS Approval Body: CASA

Effective Date: 12/04/2018

Category: Academic

Last Review: 06/07/2022

Next Review: 06/07/2025

Contact: Executive Director CHIPS

 901.448.4530

Related Policies:

SIM 102- Sim Curriculum Development Policy SIM 100- Sim Confidentiality Policy SIM 101- Sim Scheduling Policy SIM 104- Sim Media Capture Policy

SIM 103- Sim Attire Policy SIM 120- Pilot, Dry Run, and Training

SIM 121 – Sim Faculty/Facilitator Onboarding


  1. Simulation Faculty/Facilitators- Any person meeting minimum simulation competencies, as determined by the Director of Education, who is associated with the delivery and planning of the simulation activity
  2. Lead Simulation Faculty/Facilitator – A Simulation Faculty/Facilitator that is responsible for the overall development and delivery of the simulation activity.
  3. Participants: anyone involved in or observers of simulation activity (e.g., students, learners, educators, instructors, faculty, staff, or observers)


  1. Simulation Faculty/Facilitators will comply with procedures, as determined by CHIPS Staff, to ensure quality simulation activities that are consistent with best standards of practice for healthcare simulation.
  2. CHIPS staff will assist Simulation Faculty/Facilitators in fulfilling these responsibilities.


Responsibilities of the Lead Simulation Faculty/Facilitator include:

  1. Attending all pre-event planning sessions, SP trainings, dry runs, simulation events, and any post-event quality improvement sessions.
    1. If the Lead Simulation Faculty/Facilitator is unable to attend, they may delegate another trained Simulation Faculty/Facilitator to take their place for the event.
    2. If the Lead Simulation Faculty/Facilitator is not local to the simulation location (e.g., Lead in Nashville for simulation in Memphis), they are required to delegate a local Simulation Faculty/Facilitator to attend the event.
    3. CHIPS must be notified of any stand-in representatives for the Lead Simulation Faculty/Facilitator
  2. Ensuring at least one Simulation Faculty/Facilitator is on-site for the entirety of the simulation activity.
  3. Ensuring all participants and Simulation Faculty/Facilitators are oriented to the simulation environment.
  4. Providing a pre-brief, consistent with standards of best practice, for all participants and Simulation Faculty/Facilitators before each simulation activity.
  5. Debriefing and/or providing feedback consistent with standards of best practice.
  6. Ensuring communication occurs with participants and Simulation Faculty/Facilitators. These communications may include directions to simulation location, supplies/equipment participants should bring, appropriate attire for simulation (see Sim Attire Policy), parking information, agendas/schedules, room location, directions for accessing recordings and/or other event related data. CHIPS staff can assist with communication content/details, but distribution is the responsibility of Lead Simulation Faculty/Facilitator.
  7. Scheduling the simulation activity in accordance with the Sim Scheduling Policy.
  8. Ensuring the curriculum is developed, including meeting all deadlines, in accordance with the Sim Curriculum Development Policy.
  9. Timely notification of CHIPS staff of any specialized equipment or supplies required for scheduled events.
  10. Ensuring any needed printed documents or copies are prepared for the event. CHIPS staff will not print or copy any documents (assessments, checklists, handouts, etc).
  11. Ensuring all participants and Simulation Faculty/Facilitator are aware of the Sim Confidentiality Policy and Sim Media Capture Policy and appropriate consent forms are provided.
  12. Simulation Faculty/Facilitators provide the appropriate information to support participant survey distribution.

Related Information:

Links to standards of best practice for healthcare simulation:

  1. Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice
  2. SSH Accreditation Standards
  3. ASPE Standards of Best Practice


Effective: December 4, 2018, Committee on Academic and Student Affairs (CASA) Reviewed: December 4, 2018, CASA

Approved: June 7, 2022, CASA

Approved: June 16, 2022, Chief Academic Officer