SIM115 – Sim Equipment, Supplies-Loan

UT Health Science Center: SIM115 – Sim Equipment, Supplies- Loan

No./Title: SIM115 – Sim Equipment, Supplies- Loan

Resp. Office: CHIPS

Approval Body: CHIPS

Effective Date: 06/08/2021

Category: Simulation

Last Review: 06/08/2021

Next Review: 06/08/2024

Contact: Executive Director CHIPS

 901.448.4530

Related Policies:

SIM 114- Sim Equipment, Supplies- Storage SIM 109- Sim Equipment, Supplies- Separation SIM 108- Sim Equipment, Maintenance


  1. Users: anyone utilizing CHIPS resources (e.g., students, residents, faculty, or external clients)
  2. Internal User: users of CHIPS resources that are affiliated with UTHSC (students, residents, faculty, staff) or clinical partners.
  3. External User: users of CHIPS resources that are not affiliated with UTHSC or clinical partners.
  4. Excessive Damage: any damage deemed unreasonable or outrageous based on the intended purpose.


The Center for Healthcare Improvement and Patient Simulation (CHIPS) allows both internal and external users to borrow simulation equipment or supplies that appear on the “CHIPS Equipment Loan List.” All requests will be considered by items requested, quantity, objectives, and the location of use before the loan is confirmed.


  1. All requests for equipment loan must be completed through the electronic loan request found on the CHIPS Equipment Inventory Page.
  2. The user must agree to the terms of use located at the end of the electronic loan document and accept responsibility for any lost items or items with excessive damage.
  3. After the electronic request is submitted, the CHIPS staff must seek approval based on the following:
    1. Any item on the “CHIPS Equipment Loan List” is available for loan to interested users once you receive the approval of the Operations Lead.
    2. Any item not on the approved list must receive special approval from the Executive Director.
  4. Once receiving approval for the loan, the CHIPS staff member should:
    1. Document the “CHIPS Loan Agreement” listing the equipment, loan dates, and contact information.
    2. Make sure that items active in the inventory system are listed as “check-out”
    3. Assign the equipment loan to a CHIPS staff member
    4. Confirm the equipment loan with the requesting user
  5. Under no circumstance will simulated drugs or surgical kits be loaned out of CHIPS.
  6. Fees related to the damage or misuse of a trainer will be assessed by the Operation Lead and Executive Director.
  7. Loan duration is determined at the time of the request. Any loan request for more than one month must have the approval of the Executive Director.


  1. CHIPS Equipment Loan Agreement


Effective: June 8, 2021 Revised:

SIM115 – Sim Equipment, Supplies-Loan
Version: // Effective: 06/08/2021
PDF icon Downloadable PDF

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