SA0700 – Safety and Environmental Health Responsibilities

SA0700 – Safety and Environmental Health Responsibilities


To define the safety and environmental health responsibilities of individuals and departments within the university community.


  1. Safety and environmental health responsibilities of individuals and departments within the University of Tennessee system are noted below:
    1. University Director of Safety and Health
      • Serves as a liaison between the university and the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development and other regulatory agencies.
      • Supports each university location in the implementation of its various safety and health programs.
      • Provides the president and the president’s staff of the University of Tennessee system with current information on safety and health activities.
      • Develops and recommends university policy and practice relating to safety and health matters.
      • Ensures the annual safety review of each university location in accordance with the university’s safety and health plan.
      • Develops, disseminates and maintains information on safety and health as an educational resource for the university.
      • Prepares an annual health and safety report that is submitted to the president, his staff, campus safety officers and the director of public safety for the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development.
    2. Safety Officer
      The safety officer for each major location of the University of Tennessee system has the following responsibilities:
      • Conducts annual and as needed safety inspections of all university facilities at his or her location and area of responsibility in regard to compliance with applicable state and federal regulations; documents findings; provides recommendations for abatement and correction to the appropriate person(s); and follow-up on the abatement of all cited items and reports the results to the appropriate university officials.
      • Performs or initiates an investigation and analysis of each serious accident involving loss (bodily injury, significant property damage or environmental damage) on university property or property leased by the university. Results of the investigation and any recommendations shall be communicated to the appropriate individual(s). Records shall be maintained on all reported losses.
      • Serves as an informational resource to the university community in regard to items such as technical support, education, information, and personal protective equipment.
      • Recommends changes in existing policy or procedures to improve safety, health, and environmental protection.
      • Establishes a process for the review and investigation of concerns regarding safety and health issues.
      • Reviews and periodically updates the safety and health manual as needed which provides general rules, policies and procedures for safety health and environmental protection to be followed by employees in the safe performance of their work.
      • Facilitates compliance with local, state, and federal regulations related to safety, health and environmental protection. This function shall include, but is not limited to, serving as the university’s representative during regulatory inspections, reporting any findings/penalties to the appropriate administrator (including the university director), maintaining documentation, and assisting with remediation.
      • Prepares an annual report of safety and health activities at that location for the past fiscal year for review, provides information to the chief administrative officer of the location and forwards it to the university safety director.
    3. Department Heads
      Each university department head is responsible for the maintenance of a safe and healthful environment within his or her area of responsibility to include the following:
      • Provides support and enforcement for the policies and procedures contained in the safety and health manual, university policies, and any other applicable safety and health rules and regulations.
      • Makes certain that all supervisors and employees within their area of responsibility are aware of the safety and health rules and regulations.
      • Provides the resources needed to train employees in all aspects of their jobs relative to safety and health.
      • Establishes and implements any needed operational procedures for safety and health.
    4. Employees
      University employees are expected to perform their work using safe practices and procedures and are responsible for the following activities:
      • Participate willingly in all safety orientation and training programs offered by the university.
      • Abide by all health and safety precautions that are relevant to the assigned duties.
      • Use prescribed personal protective equipment as directed by the supervisor and in accordance with proper safety precautions.
      • Report any observed health and safety problems to the university administration.
      • Maintain a positive attitude toward health and safety that will promote safe working behavior.