SIM101 – Sim Scheduling Policy

No./Title: SIM101– Sim Scheduling Policy

Resp. Office: SIMULATION Approval Body: CASA

Effective Date: 02/16/2017

Category: Academic

Last Review: 02/04/2020

Next Review: 02/04/2026

Contact: Executive Director CHIPS

 901.448.4530



SIM 102 – Sim Curriculum Development Policy


The Simulation Program schedules resources to most efficiently and effectively meet the curricular needs of all UTHSC Colleges. Simulation resources may also be scheduled to meet non-curricular needs of UTHSC colleges, UTHSC clinical partners, and the community based on scheduling priorities.


  1. Scheduling requests should be submitted online at
  2. Scheduling requests should be received by the term deadline:
    1. Deadline for Fall term scheduling requests is April 15.
    2. Deadline for Spring term scheduling requests is September 15.
    3. Deadline for Summer term scheduling requests is January 15.
  3. When conflicts arise, the following scheduling prioritization factors will be applied (in order):
    1. Curricular requirement of program
    2. Interprofessional session
    3. Faculty training/expertise in simulation
    4. Session has been delivered previously
  4. All requests by the term deadline will be considered together and in the event of conflicts, prioritization criteria will be applied.
  5. All requests after the term deadline will be scheduled as resources are available and prioritization criteria will not be applied.
  6. Simulation sessions scheduled prior to term deadline require approval of the Executive Director.
  7. Normal hours of operation are 8am to 5pm. Sessions outside of normal operating hours require approval of the Executive Director.
  8. Confirmed reservations may be released at the discretion of Simulation Program if required materials are not received according to the simulation session development timeline.


Effective: 02/16/2017, Committee on Academic and Student Affairs (CASA) Approved: 02/16/2017, CASA

Reviewed: 02/04/2020, CASA Approved: 09/05/2023, CASA