No./Title: SIM101– Sim Scheduling Policy |
Resp. Office: SIMULATION Approval Body: CASA |
Effective Date: 02/16/2017 | |
Category: Academic |
Last Review: 02/04/2020 |
Next Review: 02/04/2026 | |
Contact: Executive Director CHIPS |
901.448.4530 | ||
Related Policies: |
SIM 102 – Sim Curriculum Development Policy |
The Simulation Program schedules resources to most efficiently and effectively meet the curricular needs of all UTHSC Colleges. Simulation resources may also be scheduled to meet non-curricular needs of UTHSC colleges, UTHSC clinical partners, and the community based on scheduling priorities.
- Scheduling requests should be submitted online at
- Scheduling requests should be received by the term deadline:
- Deadline for Fall term scheduling requests is April 15.
- Deadline for Spring term scheduling requests is September 15.
- Deadline for Summer term scheduling requests is January 15.
- When conflicts arise, the following scheduling prioritization factors will be applied (in order):
- Curricular requirement of program
- Interprofessional session
- Faculty training/expertise in simulation
- Session has been delivered previously
- All requests by the term deadline will be considered together and in the event of conflicts, prioritization criteria will be applied.
- All requests after the term deadline will be scheduled as resources are available and prioritization criteria will not be applied.
- Simulation sessions scheduled prior to term deadline require approval of the Executive Director.
- Normal hours of operation are 8am to 5pm. Sessions outside of normal operating hours require approval of the Executive Director.
- Confirmed reservations may be released at the discretion of Simulation Program if required materials are not received according to the simulation session development timeline.
Effective: 02/16/2017, Committee on Academic and Student Affairs (CASA) Approved: 02/16/2017, CASA
Reviewed: 02/04/2020, CASA Approved: 09/05/2023, CASA