HR0143-H – Employment Procedure-Exempt and Non-Exempt Temp Pool




Resp. Office: HUMAN


Effective Date: 02/01/2014

Category: Employment

Last Review: 06/30/2024

Next Review: 12/31/2027

Contact : Director of Employment

 901.448.5600

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To provide procedures for the systematic and equitable recruiting of human resources talent for regular exempt, non-exempt and Temporary Help Pool positions at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.


All individuals who have the responsibility of hiring regular employees for the university. Please refer to the Faculty Handbook for issues concerning faculty recruitment.


Steps for Hiring Regular Non-exempt Staff:

  1. Department completes and submits the Requisition form in the accounting system requesting approvals to advertise vacant position. (i.e. budget and compensation).
  2. After approvals, HR- Compensation forward to Business/Hiring Manager for approvals the PDQ, Job Summary, and Pre-posting questionnaire.
  3. When approved, Compensation forward items listed (#2) to HR Employment Team.
  4. HR-Employment will post the position on the university web site for a minimum of five working days.
  5. HR-Employment will review applications in Taleo (ATS) for minimum education and qualification and forward those candidate profiles to the hiring manager for additional screening.
  6. The department determines the applicants to interview and provides the name(s) of candidate selected to interview to the Consultant to update Taleo. The department conducts all interviews.
  7. At the close of the interview process, the department chooses a candidate for the position; then contacts the employment consultant to work up offer.
  8. HR Employment provides candidate’s application, resume, requisitions and salary recommendation approvals to the Compensation team.
  9. HR-Compensation Team determine salary and emails department to approve salary recommendation.
  10. Once the salary is approved, compensation provides salary approval to consultant.
  11. HR-Employment calls to extend contingent offer of employment to candidate pending criminal background check, education and employment verifications. In the case of internal transfers, employee’s personnel file will be reviewed. After offer is accepted, background process begins.
    • If a candidate counters the offer, HR Employment notifies Compensation and Business managers via email and a decision is made.
    • HR – Compensation notifies HR Employment. If counter offer is declined, HR Employment notifies Department and decision is made to proceed to 2nd choice or reopen position.
  12. When the background process is complete (items in #11) HR- Employment calls the candidate to determine a start date, schedule pre-employment paperwork process and new employee orientation.
  13. HR – Employment emails the department to inform of the start date.
  14. Candidate completes paperwork at least five (5) days prior to start date. This is needed in order to enter new employee assignment in the system and access to email on 1st day of employment.
  15. HR Employment changes the applicant statuses in Taleo and closes position.
  16. Employee attends New Employee Orientation from 10:00 am to 11:30 am and reports to department at conclusion of orientation.

Steps for Hiring Regular Exempt Staff:

  1. Department completes and submits the Requisition form in the accounting system requesting approvals to advertise vacant position. (i.e. budget and compensation)
  2. After approvals, HR- Compensation forward to Business/Hiring Manager for approvals the PD, Job Summary, and Pre-posting questionnaire.
  3. When approved, Compensation forward items listed (#2) to HR Employment Team.
  4. HR-Employment will post the position on the university web site for a minimum of five working days.
  5. HR-Employment will review applications in Taleo (ATS) for minimum education and qualification and forward those candidate profiles to the hiring manager for additional screening.
  6. HR – Employment forwards email to OAC representative to approve candidate pool for diversity.
  7. OAC representative approves candidate pool. If not approved, department is notified to advertise in more diverse sources.
  8. The department determines the applicants to interview and provides the name(s) of candidate selected to interview to the Consultant to update in Taleo. The department conducts all interviews.
  9. At the close of the interview process, the department chooses a candidate for the position; then contacts the employment consultant to work up offer.
  10. HR-Employment provides candidate’s application, resume, requisitions and salary recommendation approvals to the Compensation team.
  11. HR-Compensation Team determines salary and emails department to approve salary recommendation.
  12. Once the salary is approved, compensation provides salary approval to consultant.
  13. HR-Employment calls to extend contingent offer of employment to candidate pending criminal background check, education and employment verifications. In the case of internal transfers, employee’s personnel file will be reviewed. After offer is accepted, background process begins.
  • If a candidate counters the offer, HR-Employment notifies Compensation and Business managers via email and a decision is made.
  • HR – Compensation notifies HR Employment. If counter offer is declined, HR-Employment notifies Department and decision is made to proceed to 2nd choice or reopen position.
  1. When the background process is complete (items in #13) the HR Employment calls the candidate to determine a start date, schedule pre-employment paperwork process and new employee orientation.
  2. HR – Employment emails the department to inform of the start date.
  3. Candidate completes paperwork at least two (2) days prior to start date. This is needed in order to enter new employee assignments in the system and access to email on 1st day of employment.
  4. HR-Employment changes the applicant statuses in Taleo and closes positions.
  5. Employee attends New Employee Orientation from 10:00 am to 11:30 am and reports to the department at the conclusion of orientation.

Temporary Help Pool Hiring Procedures

The University of Tennessee maintains a strong Temporary Help Pool to aid departments in meeting staffing requirements due to a vacancy, an employee on leave, or to an increased workload. The procedures for acquiring assistance from the Temporary Help Pool are as follows:

  1. Department head or other authorized personnel make a request for temporary help by completing a Temporary Help Pool request form and contacting the HR Consultant. request-form-revised2.pdf
  2. The Temporary Help Pool Coordinator will discuss the skills needed to fill the temporary position and discuss pay grade/salary with the department.
  3. The Temporary Help Pool Coordinator will extend offer of employment to the temporary worker and notify the department.
  4. A background check will be conducted for all temporary workers.
  5. When the background process is complete, the Temporary Help Pool Coordinator r calls the candidate to determine a start date, schedule pre-employment paperwork process and new employee orientation.
  6. HR – Employment emails the department to provide the start date.
  7. Candidate completes paperwork at least five (5) days prior to start date. This is needed in order to enter new employee assignment in the system and access to email on 1st day of employment.
  8. Employee attends New Employee Orientation from 10:00 am to 11:30 am and reports to department at conclusion of orientation.
  9. The department pays an additional administrative fee to HR-Employment in the amount of 14% of the pay of that employee.

Background Checks

HR-Employment will conduct background checks on new hires as required. The university further reserves the right to conduct pre-employment drug tests on applicants who have been involved in drug-related crime or whenever the university has reasonable suspicion of drug use.

HR0143-H – Employment Procedure-Exempt and Non-Exempt Temp Pool
Version: 2 // Effective: 08/23/2024
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