FIN140 Sponsored Contracts, Grants, Contracts and Proposals

TITLE: Sponsored Contracts, Grants, Contracts and Proposals






  1. Proposals
    1. All proposals for sponsored grants and contracts must be entered into PAMS, and approved through workflow, before submitting them to a potential sponsor. (Exception: CIS private, fixed price proposals less than $25,000 may be entered into PAMS after submission to a potential sponsor).
    2. The proposal document must be attached to the PAMS entry for review. This includes any proposal that may result in a formal contract, responses to formal RFP’s, and CIS revenue projects greater than $25,000. It does not include standardized services provided at a published rate (e.g., training fees, MTAS codes).
    3. Proposals for projects that involve new or renovated facilities, new staff positions, new programs/services, or unusual arrangements will be reviewed by the IPS Vice President in advance.
    4. Proposal and pre‐proposal documents that require signature from an “authorized representative” must be signed by the CBO or Vice President.
    5. Please allow adequate time for the review and approval of proposal documents in PAMS before the sponsor’s submission deadline.
  2. Awards
    1. All award documents, such as grants, contracts, amendments, must be signed by the CBO or Vice President.
    2. All sponsored project awards must be entered into PAMS and linked to the PAMS proposal number.
    3. The executed award document must be attached to the PAMS award record.
  3. IRIS WBS Element set‐up
    1. The Administrative Office coordinates restricted WBSE set‐up and budget entry with the Controller’s Office based upon the WBSE Request Form and Budget Form T‐1 as completed by the IPS Agency. These forms are located on the Controller’s Office website and there are links below.

IPS Proposal information

WBSE Request Form

Sponsored Project Budget (Form T‐1)

IRS tax exempt determination letter

F&A rate agreement


Gail White, Chief Business Officer