Resp. Office: FACULTY AFFAIRS Approval Body: FAWG |
Effective Date: 04/16/1985 |
Category: Faculty |
Last Review: 06/19/2012 |
Next Review: 05/04/2020 |
Contact: Cynthia Russell, Associate Vice Chancellor Faculty Affairs Office |
901.448.6158 | |
Related Information: |
The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) recognizes that its faculty may benefit from acceptance of adjunct faculty appointments at other institutions and has developed a procedure to enable faculty to pursue such arrangements so long as these arrangements constitute little or no conflict of interest/commitment on the part of the faculty member.
Since the acceptance of an adjunct faculty appointment at another institution has the potential to create a conflict of interest or a conflict of commitment to UTHSC, any full time UTHSC faculty member wishing to pursue such an appointment must adhere to the following procedure:
- The faculty member must provide his/her department chair with a written proposal that includes identification of the other university/institution as well as a description of the duties that he/she plans to perform for the other university/institution.
- If it is determined that the proposed arrangement would constitute little or no conflict of interest/commitment for the faculty member, the department chair will approve the proposal and forward copies to Dean and the Vice Chancellor for Academic, Faculty and Student Affairs.
- If it is determined that the adjunct appointment would constitute a substantial conflict of interest/commitment, the chair will deny the request. He/she may also indicate whether an alternative arrangement (a subcontract for faculty time, a change in the faculty member’s appointment to part time, etc.) might be acceptable. Changes in faculty status require approval by the Dean and notice to the Vice Chancellor for Academic, Faculty and Student Affairs.
Although this policy focuses on arrangements with other universities/ research institutions, faculty should be aware that acceptance of any external employment that would affect their
commitment to UTHSC requires prior discussion with and approval by their chair. Faculty should also be aware that some colleges have strict requirements limiting clinical practice to UTHSC- approved venues.
Revision: September 1996
Reviewed: June 19, 2012