No./Title: COHP111 Student Withdrawal Policy – Academic Policy |
Resp. Office: STUDENT AFFAIRS Approval Body: College Council |
Effective Date: May 2019 | |
Category: Student |
Last Review: January 2025 |
Next Review: January 2028 | |
Contact: Neale R. Chumbler Executive Associate Dean for Academic, Faculty, and Student Affairs |
901.448.3574 | ||
Related Policies: |
EM104 – Withdrawal Policy EM105 – Reinstatement Policy AA100 – Attendance Policy |
The College of Health Professions (COHP) will comply with university policy on the timely reporting of changes in student status for any student to the Office of the Registrar. In the event a COHP student has as change in their status, COHP follows the UTHSC Withdrawal Procedure for reporting and notifications of student withdrawals.
Continuous Enrollment
Students are required to maintain an active status through Continuous Enrollment from the time of matriculation (first term of entry) until their graduation date. Continuous Enrollment is maintained by registering and enrolling in a minimum of one credit hour per semester (excluding the Summer, when applicable, unless stipulated otherwise by the Program Director or Department Chair). The minimum enrollment for international students may be different and international students always need to confirm with the Office of International Affairs to determine what minimum enrollment is needed to maintain all enrollment requirements attached to their specific visas.
Students that do not have a course available during the term on their program of study must withdraw from the program and request reinstatement the next term when a course is available. Students will follow the reinstatement process outlined in EM105 – Reinstatement Policy.
Repeating courses
Recommendation that a student repeat all or part of the curriculum may be made only if all of the following conditions are present:
- The presence of specific nonacademic circumstance(s) judged by the progress and promotion committee as having an adverse effect on the student’s academic performance;
- Progress and Promotion Committee judgment that the identified specific circumstance(s) show probability of resolution within a reasonable period of time.
- The Progress and Promotion Committee’s judgment that resolution of the identified circumstance(s) will subsequently result in satisfactory performance by the student.
- The Department Chair or designee will submit a Waiver and/or Substitution Request form to the Executive Associate Dean for Academic, Faculty and Student Affairs for approval.
- The Office of Academic and Student Affairs will submit the completed Waiver and/or Substitution Request form to the Registrar’s Office.
Withdrawal from Individual Course
Department Chairs or Program Directors in consultation with the faculty will determine whether students are allowed to withdraw from individual courses in a program.
Attendance is required for all COHP programs. Specific information about the attendance expectations is provided at the program level.
Types of Withdrawals
Student withdrawals may be classified as Student-Initiated, Voluntary, or Involuntary Medical, Military, or Administrative. Administrative withdrawals include academic and non-academic dismissal or non-attendance. For definitions and procedures, please see EM 104 – Withdrawal Policy.
Withdrawal due to Non-Attendance
Students that do not participate in academic activities of the course by the Add/Drop deadline will be administratively withdrawn for non-attendance. See AA100 – Attendance Policy for definition of “academic activities”.
A student who ceases to attend classes without formal approval from his/her program will be considered to have withdrawn. Faculty members should be proactive in identifying students who do not attend class and notify their respective program director/chair. Then, a designee of COHP Office of Academic and Student Affairs will notify the Registrar’s office as soon as such students are identified and initiate a ‘student status change form’ that triggers notification of all supporting offices. The grade point average for the student will be reported as zero during this non-attendance period of enrollment. The date recorded for the change in status will be used to determine whether the student is eligible for repayment of a portion of their refunds in tuition and fees. It is the responsibility of the student to meet with the UTHSC Financial Aid Office to determine the impact of their withdrawal due to non-attendance including but not limited to repay all loans in accordance with his/her loan agreements.
Students who miss more than one third of in-person courses will be withdrawn for non-attendance.
For online courses a student will be withdrawn if there has been no contact between student and instructor for 21 calendar days.
Weekend courses (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) a student will be withdrawn for non-attendance when they have missed one third of the course contact hours.
Students participating in clinical/fieldwork education will be withdrawn if the student is absent for 3 consecutive days without contact with the site or the program.
Time Limits for Withdrawals
The recording of a grade for a withdrawal will be in accordance with the following:
- For those courses in which < 50% of the calendar days have been completed, the student will receive a “W.”
- For those courses in which 51 – 70% of the calendar days have been completed, the student will receive either “WP” or “WF” depending on his/her standing in the course at the time of withdrawal.
- For those courses in which >70% of the calendar days have been completed, the student (if no compelling extenuating circumstances exist) willreceive zero credit for those assignments that the student fails to complete, and the zero credit will be incorporated into the final grade calculation.
- Students with compelling extenuating circumstances may appeal to the Program Progress and Promotions committee for an exception to this policy. Cases will be considered on an individual basis.
Students who receive financial aid and are considering withdrawing from UTHSC, must immediately consult the UTHSC Financial Aid Office. Depending on the date of withdrawal, all or a portion of the financial aid may have to be repaid immediately.
A student who withdraws may request that they be allowed to return to the program if the withdrawal is for a compelling, non-academic reason. In such case, the Departmental Progress and Promotions Committee will make a recommendation to the Executive Associate Dean for Academic, Faculty, and Student Affairs or their designee regarding the request. The Executive Associate Dean for Academic, Faculty, and Student Affairs or their designee may approve or deny the recommendation. Refer to the UTHSC Bulletin (Catalog), College of Health Professions section, for details.
Effective: May 2019
Approved: April 15, 2019, COHP HPFO
Approved: May 14, 2019, COHP Dean
Approved: August 5, 2024, COHP Dean
Approved: January 13, 2025, HPFO
Approved: January 15, 2025, Dean