Guidance Document:
FI0717: Employee Gift Acceptance
Guidance Document: Acceptable and Unacceptable Gifts
Examples of potentially acceptable gifts: below is an example of the types of gifts that are potentially acceptable when a University employee accepting the gift complies with all applicable policies and laws:
- Meals, refreshments, or giveaways in connection with the employee’s attendance at a professional event when the event is sponsored by industrial, technical, professional, or educational associations.
- Meals or refreshments valued at $50 or less (pre-tax) when a third party offers the meal or refreshment as part of a business meeting. Employees must not accept more than 4 meals or refreshments in a calendar year from the same vendor.
- Honorariums for engaging in a professional activity, provided that the employee complies with FI0705 Travel.
- Greeting cards, thank-you notes, certificates, plaques, or other written forms of appreciation.
- Informational materials, such as periodicals, audio files, or video files.
- The following types of items, when the person or entity routinely provides such items to customers or suppliers: sample merchandise, promotional items, or appreciation tokens.
- Certificates, plaques, trophies, or similar awards that recognize an employee’s accomplishments.
- Discounted admission to conferences, trade shows, seminars, or other training events whose sole business purpose is to assist the university in becoming proficient with a particular product or software, or to learn more about a particular service or industry.
- Items such as pens, mugs, calendars, accessories, etc. valued at $25 or less (pre-tax).
- Complimentary trips to vendor operations, user conferences, client visits, or other travel that is conducted as part of the University’s due diligence in researching a product or service. These are not considered a gift provided that all potential vendors are afforded the same opportunities.
- Discounts provided to all university employees by vendors through a university contract, framework order, or in conjunction with a university Human Resources department.
- Gifts from potential donors or sponsors in connection with University fund raising efforts. Examples of these could include golf fees, meals, or travel expenses paid for by donors for University employees in their fund-raising efforts.
General guidance on unacceptable gifts: in addition to the specifics listed in FI0717, employees must not accept gifts from third parties when:
- The employee offered the gift has authority or influence in a current or prospective University solicitation (RFP, RFQ, etc.).
- The employee would create, or would likely create, the appearance of an improper relationship between the person or entity offering the gift and the University.
- The employee would hinder, or would likely hinder, the University’s reputation by accepting the gift.