No./Title: F435 – Employee Services Between UTHSC and State Institutions or Agencies | Resp. Office: FINANCE | Effective Date: 07/01/2016 |
Category: Accounting | Last Review: 12/18/2018 | Next Review: 07/24/2021 |
Contact: Mike Ebbs, Associate Vice Chancellor | 🕿 901.448.5523 | 🖂 |
Related Policies: FI0445 – Employee Services Between UTHSC and State Institutions and Agencies |
University Fiscal Policy FI0435 – Memberships and Subscriptions sets forth in detail the procedures and guidelines to be followed with respect to these items and should be used as the official reference except for the notations below which are specific to the Health Science Center (HSC).
A requisition or purchase order is not required. HSC departments should enter invoices for membership and subscriptions directly into the accounting system. The long text line item of the invoice should include the period of time for which the membership is being paid along with a statement on the benefit to the University.