Research Policies

RE0001 – The University of Tennessee Policy and Procedures on Responsible Conduct in Research and Scholarly Activities
RE0002 – Policy on Visitors Engaged in Research
RE0003 – Participation in Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs

Pursuant to federal legislation and regulation, all Covered Individuals at the University of
Tennessee, including all campuses and institutes (the “University”), participating in or proposing
to participate in federally sponsored research must disclose if they are participants in any Foreign
Talent Recruitment Program. Covered Individuals are prohibited from participating in the subset
of Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs that are considered by the government to be Malign
Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs. Covered Individuals must participate in training, disclose
participation in Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs, and provide initial and annual
certifications of non-participation in a Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program in connection
with federal research awards.

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