SA1010 Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)

TITLE: Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)





This procedure is to provide employees with information on the use of the AED units that are currently located in the IPS offices (Administration Office, MTAS, CTAS and LEIC) in the Knoxville and Nashville area.


Use of the AED

  1. When an unconscious victim is discovered, the following protocol will be followed:
    1. Check the scene to make sure it is safe (no electrical hazards or chemical hazards).
    2. Shake and shout at the victim. If no response,
    3. Have someone call 911. If no one is available, call 911 and return immediately to the victim.
    4. DO NOT wait for EMS to arrive.
    5. Have someone retrieve the AED.
    6. Begin the CAB’s of CPR.
    7. Utilize AED if necessary and the instructions/training provided.
    8. Continue the CAB’s of CPR.
  2. Once EMS is on the scene, they are in charge of further rescue efforts for the victim.
    1. Provide as much pertinent information as possible to EMS.
  3. Following an event involving the use of an AED, the responder must complete the AED Use Report and send to the Environmental Health and Safety Office on campus. See attached report form.

Location of AED Units

  1. Knoxville
    1. Administrative Office: The AED is located in the back hallway outside of room 109H (file room). It is mounted on the wall in the box.
    2. MTAS Office: The AED is located behind the reception area in the hallway mounted on the wall.
  2. Oak Ridge
    1. LEIC: The AED is located in the kitchen area mounted on the wall.
  3. Nashville
    1. CIS: The AED is located in the hall off the lobby.
    2. CTAS: The AED is located in the lobby.
    3. MTAS: The AED is located in the lobby.

Employees trained on the use of AED

  1. Knoxville
    1. Administration Office
      1. Thad Grace
      2. Chuck Gluck
      3. Walter Idol iv. Judie Martin
    2. MTAS Office
      1. Melissa Ashburn
      2. Nancy Gibson
      3. Margaret Norris
      4. Sandy Selvage
      5. PJ Snodgrass
      6. Dale Wolfe
  2. Nashville
    1. CIS Office
      1. Donna Bridges
      2. Wendy Eddy
      3. Beth Paton
    2. CTAS Office
      1. Kristy Brown
      2. Kim Clark
      3. Brian Spears iv. Jon Walden
    3. MTAS Office
      1. Gary Jaeckel
      2. Michelle Terry
      3. Jim Thomas

Employees trained in the use of AEDs should attend refresher training every two years.

Maintenance, Repair and Removal from Service

  1. Each agency that has an AED will have someone designed to inspect, test, and maintain the device in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification.
  2. AED’s will be inspected monthly to ensure it is available for use. All repairs shall be made by a factory authorized representative.
  3. Departments should maintain spare supplies for their AED.
  4. Should the unit require maintenance, contact the Safety Manager for IPS.
  5. The Safety Manager will be responsible for keeping records of all inspections, testing, repairs and maintenance of the device. The following records will be maintained:
    1. Periodic maintenance, repair and inspection records
    2. Record of employee training
    3. Other records as defined by the equipment manufacturer
    4. Record of use
    5. Records of transmittal to responding EMS agency.
    6. Records shall be maintained for 10 years.

Contact: Judie Martin, 865.974.1535,

SA1010 Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
Version: // Effective: 09/19/2013
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