SA0001-S – Safety Committee

    The existing State of “Tennessee Workers’ Compensation Reform Act of 1992,” requires each employer of the workers’ compensation law to establish a safety committee.
    In accordance with state law and UT Policy SA0800, this procedure will establish the guidelines for the creation of a safety committee at UT Southern.
    1. Appointment of safety committee and the committee chair shall be made by the Chancellor or his/her designee.
    2. The committee shall include representatives from the faculty, staff (both exempt and non-exempt) and students.
    3. Membership is an academic year appointment (Fall-Spring), and members may be appointed to consecutive terms if assignment or university position serves the best interest of the committee.
    4. Committee members can recommend an appropriate alternate to represent them in their absence.
    5. Committee members should represent the following positions/titles:
      • Safety & Security Director (Committee Chair)
      • Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration
      • Human Resources Director
      • Facilities Management
      • Registrar
      • Dean of Students
      • Student Government Association President
    1. The committee is responsible for advising the Chancellor and/or SLT on matters concerning workplace safety and health-related policies and procedures.
    2. When applicable, the committee will:
      • Maintain, review, and where appropriate, improve or suggest improvements to policies and procedures related to the safety and health of employees, faculty, students and visitors.
      • Innovate, improve and support enhancements to institutional safety culture.
      • Participate in on-campus “safety walks”
      • Monitor, improve, and simulate awareness of workplace safety, health and environmental compliance.
      • Support effective prevention programs that promote safety.
      • Ensure representation, coordination, and communication with safety or health focus for the purpose of presenting trends and issues to senior leadership.
      • Review reports of potential physical hazards and practices, injuries or illnesses and actual losses.
      • Establish appropriate subordinate committees as necessary to focus on specific area of risk to the university as necessary.
    3. The committee shall meet at least once a semester during the academic year.
    4. Minutes of the meeting will be submitted to the Senior Leadership Team for review and should include the following information:
      • The meeting agenda
      • Attendance list
      • Notes on items discussed, the substance of the discussion, and any resolutions
      • Action items
      • Information the committee believes should be presented to campus leadership
    5. Meeting minutes will be archived by the committee chair and kept in a manner that the Chancellor and/or designee decides.

SA0001-S – Safety Committee
Version: 1 // Effective: 12/11/2024
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