RSP24 Pregnancy Declaration Procedure


This procedure establishes the procedure for female radiation workers and students working in radiation areas to declare a pregnancy.


This procedure applies to all personnel and students at UTHSC.


Activities mandated in this procedure will be conducted by the UTHSC Radiation Safety Officer and the other UTHSC Research Safety Affairs authorized by the Radiation Safety Officer or the Research Safety Affairs Chief Safety Officer.


Individual monitoring devices – (“individual monitoring equipment”) devices designed to be worn by a single individual for the assessment of dose equivalent, such as film badges, thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLDs), pocket ionization chambers, and personal (“lapel”) air sampling devices.

Declared pregnant woman – a woman who has voluntarily informed her employer, in writing, of her pregnancy and the estimated date of conception. The declaration remains in effect until the declared pregnant woman withdraws the declaration in writing or is no longer pregnant.


  1. A pregnant worker or student should contact the Research Safety Affairs office (add contact email) as soon as she is aware of the pregnancy.
  2. Research Safety Affairs will email or provide information explaining the options available to the worker or student. The worker or student is expected to review the material and decide if she will declare the pregnancy.
    1. If the worker is a resident or fellow, she must also complete the pregnancy declaration process at each facility she will work at throughout her pregnancy. Each facility will have their own process for pregnancy declaration.
  3. If the worker or student decides to declare the pregnancy, the reduced dose limits for the total effective dose equivalent are reduced from 5,000 millirem to 500 millirem for the duration of the pregnancy once the declaration form is received by Research Safety Affairs.
  4. The supervisor of the worker or student will be informed, and work/study duties will be adjusted as needed to ensure the revised limits are not exceeded.
  5. If the student or worker will be exposed to external radiation exposure that has the potential to deliver a deep dose, then an individual monitoring device will be provided.
  6. The worker or student will return to standard dose limits for a radiation worker at the end of the pregnancy.

Penalties/Disciplinary Action for Non-Compliance

License violations are subject to civil penalties up to $5,000 per day per violation. In the event of a threat to public health and safety, the Division has the right to confiscate radiation sources.


  1. Tennessee Administrative Code Title 0400 – Environment and Conservation Subtitle 0400-20 – Division of Radiological Health (§§ 0400- 20-04-.01 — 0400-20-13-.08)
  2. Tennessee Administrative Code Title 0400 – Environment and Conservation Subtitle 0400-20 – Division of Radiological Health (§§ 0400- 20-05-.70 – 0400-20-05-.71)
  3. Tennessee Form RH
  4. License R-79019-D30

Responsible Official & Additional Contacts

Related Policies/Guidance Documents

  1. Tennessee Administrative Code Title 0400 – Environment and Conservation Subtitle 0400-20 – Division of Radiological Health (§§ 0400- 20-04-.01 — 0400-20-13-.08)
  2. Tennessee Administrative Code Title 0400 – Environment and Conservation Subtitle 0400-20 – Division of Radiological Health §§ 0400- 20-05-.71
  3. Tennessee Administrative Code Title 0400 – Environment and Conservation Subtitle 0400-20 – Division of Radiological Health §§ 0400- 20-05-.133
  4. Tennessee Administrative Code Title 0400 – Environment and Conservation Subtitle 0400-20 – Division of Radiological Health §§ 0400- 20-05-.135
  5. NUREG 1556 Volume 11 Revision 1
  6. License R-79019-D30

RSP24 Pregnancy Declaration Procedure
Version: 1 // Effective: 01/14/2025
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