Knoxville Campus Policy: RE00001-K Creation and Publication of images of human remains and cultural objects subject to NAGPRA protections | |
Version 1 | Effective Date: 06/19/2020 |
Research Policy RE00001-K – Policies governing the creation and publication of images of human remains and cultural objects subject to NAGPRA protections
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and its institutes (UTK) are subject to the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 (NAGPRA), which encompasses Native American human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects and objects of cultural patrimony. More information about UTK’s NAGPRA-related activities and policies and contact information for the UTK NAGPRA committee can be obtained by visiting
Images of NAGPRA-eligible human remains or cultural objects, whether from claimed sites or sites not under claim, may not be created, published, or reproduced without written approval from the appropriate Native American tribes (as determined by the UTK NAGPRA committee in consultation with the tribes).
This policy applies both to human remains and cultural objects that are under UTK’s control, and to human remains and cultural objects that are located at a UTK site and for which UTK acts as the steward. In cases where UTK acts as the steward for human remains or cultural objects that are under the control of a state or Federal agency, this policy states that in addition to tribal approval, written approval from that agency is also required before images of NAGPRA-eligible human remains or cultural objects may be created, published, or reproduced.
Requests regarding images of NAGPRA-eligible human remains or cultural objects should be submitted to the chair of the UTK NAGPRA committee. Definition
For the purposes of this policy, “images” is defined to include photographs, scans, 3D printing, CT and PET scans, MRIs, drawings, and any other depictions of NAGPRA-eligible human remains and cultural objects
Approved 6/19/2020 by Chancellor Plowman.