The Executive Committee of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
-Roles and Responsibilities-
The Executive Committee of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), hereafter referred to as “The Executive Committee” was formed for the purpose of acting as a standing subcommittee of the IACUC in matters which do not specifically require regulatory oversight by a quorum of the IACUC, as that oversight is defined or described in the Animal Welfare Act (CFR Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A, Rev 2008) and the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (the “Guide”; NRC 2011 or most current), and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Guidebook (“Guidebook” ARENA/OLAW 2nd Edition, 2002).
To this end, the Executive Committee shall consist of the IACUC Chair and Vice Chair, and the UTHSC Attending Veterinarian. Amongst the functions of the Executive Committee are:
- information gathering regarding situations and circumstances which may or may not require subsequent intervention by the IACUC;
- initial determination of the completeness and/or accuracy of animal activity protocols including revisions to IACUC approved studies and procedures;
- acting to triage issues and events (animal-related and or related to facilities associated with the animal care and use program) that may require subsequent consideration by a quorum of the IACUC;
- acting as a liaison between the Institutional Official and the IACUC, university faculty and staff, and animal care personnel in matters of animal welfare and compliance.
In the absence of the IACUC Chair, the other members of the Executive Committee may serve as points of contact for questions and information that normally might be directed to the Chair when present. The Executive Committee may also draft and refine documents and reports pertaining to animal care and use at UTHSC.
It is not intended that the Executive Committee will, in any way, usurp the roles and responsibilities of the IACUC. Neither will it serve to circumvent the functions of the IACUC, as prescribed by federal, state and/or local regulations. Rather, the purpose of the Executive Committee is to facilitate the workings of the IACUC by gathering information, presenting it to the IACUC in a concise manner, and resolving issues that do not necessitate determination by the full IACUC in convened meetings.
2016 May, Approved