GS5400 – Reporting Injuries, Incidents and Property Damage


To define the process for reporting incidents including:

  • Injuries (including infectious exposures)
  • Property damage claims
  • Auto accidents that occur in university vehicles or personal vehicles being used for university business.
  • Safety concerns


This procedure covers university personnel (faculty, students, staff) and is applicable to all UT Health Science Center campuses and affiliate locations.


University of Tennessee system Office of Risk Management:

  • Provide the University of Tennessee system campuses with services for workers’ compensation, automobile claims, property claims and third-party claims.

University administration, directors, college deans, and department chairs:

  • Maintain a system for informing personnel under their oversight of the university procedures for reporting incidents in accordance with university procedures.

Instructors and supervisors:

  • Ensure staff members report incidents in accordance with this procedure.
  • Assist student and staff efforts to comply with incident reporting requirements.

University staff, faculty and students:

  • Report incidents in accordance with university procedures.

Office of Safety Affairs (i.e., Campus Safety and Emergency Management and the Office of Research Safety Affairs):

  • Maintain the campus Safety Manual, including procedures for reporting injuries and incidents.
  • Provide training on incident reporting procedures upon request.
  • Investigate incidents and reported concerns to mitigate hazards and minimize risk to UTHSC personnel and visitors.


Corvel: A third-party corporation contracted by the State of Tennessee to manage workers compensation claims. The 24/7 nurse line is staffed a registered nurses that will initiate a claim and direct injured parties to a medical care provider.

Follow-up medical care: Non-emergency medical care sought after the administration of first aid to stabilize an injury.

Injury: Any physiological damage to one’s body including exposure incidents defined as specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin or parenteral contact with blood or potentially infectious materials.

OSHA Recordable Injury: Any work-related injury or illness that meets the following criteria:

  • Requires medical treatment beyond first aid, such as prescription medication or tetanus immunizations
  • Results in one or more days away from work
  • Results in restricted work or transfer to another job
  • Results in loss of consciousness
  • A significant injury or illness diagnosed by a physician or other licensed health care professional
  • Results in death
  • Other injuries such as fractured or cracked bones or teeth, punctured eardrums, needlesticks, sharps injuries, hearing loss, or tuberculosis

UTHSC Personnel: Staff, students and faculty associated with the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.

Work-related Illness: An illness that was caused or made worse by something that happened in the workplace. This includes illnesses caused by an event or exposure in the workplace or which was significantly made worse an existing condition. Examples include contact dermatitis, lab animal allergies, respiratory conditions like silicosis, pneumonitis, rhinitis or acute congestion.


  1. UTHSC personnel should report all injuries and work-related illnesses that occur on campus or in performance of university-related responsibilities. UTHSC must report all OSHA reportable injuries.
    1. Injured employees must report the incident by:
      1. Notifying their supervisor immediately. Supervisors of injured researchers must follow Office of Research procedure RS102 – Incident Reporting to ensure adherence to regulatory and compliance committee requirements (e.g., Institutional Biosafety Committee, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Institutional Review Board, Radiation Safety Committee).
      2. After moving to a safe environment and obtaining the necessary first aid, employees must report the incident by calling the Corvel 24/7 nurse line at 1-866-245-8588. Corvel must be called within 24 hours of the incident and before seeking follow-up medical treatment.
      3. Employees must then notify UT Risk Management by completing the online incident report form (select On-the-job Injury) accessible through the UT Incident Report website.

        Note: Seriously injured employees requiring emergency medical attention must proceed to the emergency room of receive care provided by first responders. A supervisor should call Corvel on their behalf.
    2. Injured students must report the incident by:
      1. Notifying their instructor or supervisor immediately.
      2. Report the incident to the UT Office of Risk Management by completing the online incident report form (select General Liability) accessible through the UT Incident Report website.
  2. Property damage claims must be reported as follows:
    1. For all damage to university-owned, or leased, property (buildings, equipment, and/or content) contact the UT Office of Risk Management within 24 hours of incident discovery by completing the online incident report form (select University Property Damage).
    2. Following initial notification using the online incident report form, the UT Office of Risk Management will provide a property claim packet. Complete this packet by providing the requested information and coordinating completion with a representative from the UT Office of Risk Management.
  3. Auto incidents involving university-owned, personal or rental vehicles being used for university business should be responded to and must be reported as follows:
    1. At the scene of the accident university personnel should:
      • Never admit fault to anyone and/or offer to pay for any loss incurred by another party resulting from the accident.
      • Call 911 for medical attention and a police report.
      • Exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver(s) involved
      • Obtain contact (name, address, phone number) information of every witness.
      • If the vehicle is towed from the accident scene, determine where the vehicle will be taken and what may be necessary to retrieve the vehicle.
      • Take clear photos of all vehicles involved.
    2. Report the incident by calling the State of TN Auto Accident Call Center at 1-855- 253-0629 within 24 hours, then call your supervisor and follow your department’s applicable procedures. Be prepared to provide the following information to the Call Center:
      • Incident date, time, and location.
      • University driver’s name, phone number, and email.
      • Any/all other drivers’ names and phone numbers, plus emails if available.
      • Any other involved passengers’ names and phone numbers, plus emails if available.
      • Vehicle information for all vehicles, including license plate number and/or VIN.
      • Your supervisor’s name, phone number, or other contact information.
      • Confirm if any fatalities or non-fatal injuries occurred.
    3. Report the auto incident to Office of Risk Management by completing the online incident report form (select Auto Incidents).

      Note: Employees injured in an auto incident must first report the injury by calling Corvel at 1-866-245-8588 and then calling the State of TN Auto Accident Call Center at 1-855-253-0629. Both calls must be placed within 24 hours of the incident.
  4. Incidents involving visitors to campus (i.e., non-UTHSC personnel) or personal property damage, including those due to any alleged university negligence should be reported as follows:
    1. Report the incident to the UT Office of Risk Management within 24 hours by completing the online incident report form (select General Liability) accessible through the UT Incident Report website.
  5. Safety concerns about hazardous conditions, work practices or related issues should be reported as follows:
    1. Safety concerns related to public safety and security should be reported immediately by calling the Campus Police at (901) 448-4444. Campus Police are available 24 hours a day.
    2. Safety concerns related to unsafe conditions, work practices or related issues should be reported by emailing or calling the Office of Safety Affairs at (901) 448-7374.

Note: Emergencies such as an emergency medical incident, chemical spill, fire, or other incidents that require immediate attention must be reported by calling Campus Police at (901) 448-4444. Campus Police will contact the appropriate party to respond to the emergency incident.

Penalties/Disciplinary Action for Non-Compliance

Employee on-the-job injuries that are not reported to Corvel in accordance with this procedure will result in a $500.00 penalty to the injured employee’s department. Auto accidents involving a third-party that are not reported to the State of Tennessee Auto Accident Call Center in accordance with this procedure will result in a $1,000.00 penalty to the employee’s department.

Responsible Official & Additional Contacts

Subject Matter

Office Name

Telephone Number

(xxx) xxx-xxxx

Email/Web Address


Clarification and


UT Office of

Risk Management


Policy Training

UT Office of

Risk Management


Related Policies/Guidance Documents

GS5200 – Exposure Control Plan

RS102 – Incident Reporting (Research Incidents) RS203 – Critical Freezer Inventory and Audit UTHSC Emergency Operations Plan

GS5400 – Reporting Injuries, Incidents and Property Damage
Version: 1 // Effective: 12/12/2024
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