GS5111 – Contractor Safety Program and Guidelines

UT Health Science Center


Version: 1

Effective Date: 11/1/2023


University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) Campus Safety and Emergency Management has developed this Program to ensure the safety of university faculty, staff, students and visitors who may be affected by operations performed by contractors or subcontractors.

Contractors must protect the safety and health of University faculty, staff, students and visitors and crew during the performance of their work activities. Each contractor that coordinates the work of subcontractors is solely responsible for ensuring that they abide by the requirements outlined herein. This Program does not address the legal responsibilities that contractors and subcontractors have regarding their own employees, including compliance with 29 CFR 1910 and 29 CFR 1926. The responsibility for compliance with these regulatory requirements rests solely with the contractor.


This Program covers all work activities performed by Contractors and Subcontractors on UTHSC property and is intended to identify steps necessary to protect members of the campus community.


Campus Safety and Emergency Management. Is responsible for the overall safe environment of the institution. For the purposes of this program, the responsibilities include:

  1. Developing, implementing, and administering the Contractor Safety Program;
  2. Providing and coordinating access to the online/in-person Contractor Safety Training;
  3. Conducting contractor job site visits;
  4. Maintaining centralized records of training, site visit data, and reports;
  5. Providing technical assistance to university personnel;
  6. Attending project kick-off and update meetings when necessary; and
  7. Communicating safety hazards to the UTHSC Project Manager.

University Architect’s Office, Project Manager, Facilities, Physical Plant and other Maintenance Groups. Are responsible for:

  1. Including a copy of the UTHSC Contractor Procedures Manual in project specifications;
  2. Informing Campus Safety and Emergency management of any/all of the items listed in Contractor responsibilities (below).
  3. Informing contractors of the UTHSC Safety Program;
  4. Ensuring that the contractor representative has completed the online/ in-person Contractor Safety Training prior to the beginning of work;
  5. Ensuring construction sites do not endanger the safety of UTHSC students, faculty, staff, and visitors or cause unnecessary hazards on UTHSC Property;
  6. Ensuring that safety hazards are addressed in a timely manner;
  7. Communicating site hazards to the contractor;
  8. Providing Campus Safety and Emergency Management for the respective campus with complete documentation of the proper disposal of environmentally-hazardous materials originating at UTHSC;
  9. Reviewing all safety related policies and procedures with the contractor, including, but not limited to, rules and procedures, and special work permits or specialized work procedures; and
  10. Informing Campus Safety and Emergency Management whenever safety issues are identified.

Other University Departments. All departments are responsible for notifying Campus Safety and Emergency Management for campus safety and environmental concerns related to contractor work within their work area or on UTHSC property.


  1. Following the requirements and responsibilities of this Program and the associated Contractor Procedural Manual;
  2. Informing the UTHSC Project Manager of any job site safety hazards or concerns;
  3. Informing UTHSC Project Manager of any hot work that will be performed;
  4. Informing the UTHSC Project Manager whenever any suspected asbestos-containing material is located; and
  5. Contacting the UTHSC Police Department and the UTHSC Project Manager in the event of an emergency event.


General Requirements

An UTHSC Project Manager is anyone who hires and/or manages a contractor to perform maintenance, repair, installation, renovation or construction-related operations on any portion of UTHSC property.

The UTHSC Project Manager is expected to ensure that the Contractor is:

  1. Informed of the presence of hazards in or near the work area;
  2. Informed about UTHSC’s requirements identified in the Contractor Procedures Manual;
  3. Trained by using the online/ in-person Contractor Safety Training program; and
  4. Aware of the University’s expectations regarding safety compliance and the control of worksite hazards.

Multi-Employer Worksite:

The OSHA Multi-Employer Policy identifies the types of employers present on a general industry or construction project site; determines the scope of safety duties and responsibilities for each employer type; and defines the reasonable care they are responsible for providing to ensure the safety of their employees.

The policy categorizes employers into four primary groups–Controlling, Creating, Exposing, and Correcting–and outlines the safety responsibilities of these employer types. The employer type denotes the safety duties and responsibilities employers have on a construction project, which include following the required safety practices for their work activities; assuming the responsibility of the safety of their employees; and not creating safety hazards for the employees of other subcontractors. Companies (owners, contractors, engineers, architects, and vendors) involved in a multi-employer construction work site can be designated and cited for more than one employer type. Employers also must be aware of the OSHA-defined reasonable care factors they are required to provide for each project site.

Job Site Visits.

Job site visits may be conducted by Campus Safety and Emergency Management or the UTHSC Project Manager. These job site visits are conducted solely for the benefit of the University, and shall not relieve the contractor of responsibility for enforcement of, and compliance with the OSHA regulations.

In the event that work site conditions exist that potentially impact the safety of University faculty, staff, students and visitors, Campus Safety and Emergency Management shall inform the UTHSC Project Manager so that the workplace condition can be corrected in a timely manner.

If the unsafe conditions cannot be immediately corrected and represents a danger or has the potential to harm university faculty, staff, students and visitors then the Campus Safety and Emergency Management will:

  1. Notify the UTHSC Project Manager.
  2. Inform the contractor of unsafe conditions that were noted, and explain the potential impact upon university faculty, staff, students and visitors;
  3. Instruct the contractor to either stop working or implement measures to isolate the hazardous condition until the unsafe condition can be mitigated; and
  4. Issue a formal written report of the situation(s) to the contractor.


Contractors performing project work shall be informed of the requirements of this Program by receiving a copy of the Contractor Procedures Manual and completing the online/in-person Contractor Safety Program training session prior to beginning work on UTHSC property.

A designated contractor representative shall complete the online/ in-person Contractor Safety Training. The representative is responsible for communicating the information from the training to all employees and sub-contractors under their responsibility on the work site. Documentation that all employees and sub-contractors have been informed of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center Contractor Safety Programs and procedures shall be provided to the UTHSC Project Manager prior to the beginning of the project.

Responsible Official & Additional Contacts

Subject Matter

Office Name

Telephone Number

(xxx) xxx-xxxx

Email/Web Address

Mickey Phillips

Campus Safety

and Emergency Management


Mickey Phillips

Campus Safety and Emergency



Contractor Enforcement

Department Supervisors



Related Policies/Guidance Documents

Associated standards

  1. 29 CFR 1910– Occupational Safety and Health Standards
  2. 29 CFR 1926 – Safety and Health Regulations for Construction


  1. Appendix A – Job Site Checklist
  2. Appendix B – Construction Kick-Off Meeting Form

Appendix A-Job Site Visit Checklist

Inspected By: Company/1Project:



Management/Job Silie





Material Stor-aigeand Handli1ng





Constr1.1ctionSafety Trainins



Storage, use, handling of flammable

liquidsin accordance with standards


Emergency Phonen1.1mbers posted


Properily located and labeled


MSDS onsi1teand provided if necessary


Materialsareprotected from falling


Site Controls, Housekeeping

Com1pres:sedGas Cylinders19,26.350

General ,cleanlinessof construction



Properily stored (capsse,cure when

not 1.1sed:)


Passagewaysand walkwaysdear


Properily seoured


Adequateli htiingprovided


Located .away from weldingand



Enviil’on.-ental Cont1rols192,6.SD


Exhaust ventilat1ion established


Back upalarmsfunctioning




Properily barricaded



Fire Prevent1io1n19,26.150




Electrical protected by GFCI


Hot workpermitsposted


P,ower oordsin good ,condition


Cirane a1nd Hoiist 1926.550

Pulblii:: Way 1Pro1iection

Lifting over occ1.1pied building?


Covered where required{trenches),


Outriggersdown and p,roperly setup (barricaded)


Signs, barricadesused when overhead work conducted


Crane swing radiuscontrolled




Power linesor other hazards

identrnied and controlled,(wind)


Openingsin floors, roofs, or decking

covered, labeled andsecured


Roadways and sidewalks effectively




Environmental Contraols

Signs Posted


Erosion controls


Containment used


Spill kitsavailable



Hand T,ools

Proper screens and exhaust used


Powder a,ctJuatedtoolsused properly


Cylindersupright and seoured


Fireexliinguisher available


Appendix B –Construction Kick-Off Meeting Form


Today’s Date:



Site Safety Rep:

Contact Information:

The following items must be reviewed by the UTHSC representative with the Contractor and Project Manager during the kick-off meeting for the project:





Inform the contractor of the required UTHSC Training


Does the Contractor have a Site Safety Plan?


Ensure SAFETY DATA SHEETS (SDS) are readily available on site. Provide SDS to Campus Safety upon request


Does the contractor have documented programs for the following available for Campus Safety review (as necessary)?

  1. Confined Space
  2. Lockout/Tagout
  3. Aerial lift/Powered Industrial Truck (PIT)/Cranes and Hoists
  4. Asbestos/Lead Awareness
  5. PPE and Respiratory protection
  6. Fall Protection
  7. Excavation and Trenching
  8. Hot Work Permit
  9. Environmental (Ballasts, bulbs, lead, others)

Other information or comments about the Project


A COPY of this form must be provided to UTHSC Campus Safety.

GS5111 – Contractor Safety Program and Guidelines
Version: 1 // Effective: 11/01/2023
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