Resp. Office: FINANCE |
Effective Date: 07/01/2008 |
Category: Accounting |
Last Review: 12/01/2018 |
Next Review: 12/01/2021 |
Contact: Jacquelyne Cotton, Executive Admin. Office of Finance |
🕿901.448.5523 |
🖂 |
Related Policy: FI0730 Telephone and Other Communication Devices |
Form: F730F Wireless-Equip-Service-Allowance FORM |
University Fiscal Policy FI0730 Telephone and Other Communication Devices provides guidelines for obtaining services that are routinely needed by various employees to efficiently perform their University responsibilities. These services include cellular telephones, smart phones, data plans, and the ability to remotely connect to the Internet. This policy should be used as the official reference with respect to these services except for the items noted below as specific to the Health Science Center (HSC).
Wireless communication devices are not intended to replace other available means of communication. Conventional communication methods should be used when they are available and cost effective. Wireless communication device usage is subject to audit.
Departments are responsible for ensuring that all departmental users have read and understand the university’s policy on cellular telephones and other wireless communication devices. Employees should not use wireless devices while driving in states where such use is prohibited by law nor in medical facilities where use is banned.
Employees can receive a cell phone allowance of either $30 or $50 per month depending upon their usage requirements. To receive the allowance, employees must complete a REQUEST AND JUSTIFICATION FOR WIRELESS SERVICE/ALLOWANCE form and obtain approvals from supervisor and department head/director.
Completed forms should be sent to the Vice Chancellor for Finance for approval. Approved forms will be returned to the requesting department. Departments are responsible for processing the Recurring Pay Request to reflect the amount of the allowance.
There are two levels of allowances based on the following usage criteria:
- If an employee is routinely on-call or needs to be reachable while occasionally away from the office in order to perform his or her job duties, $30 per month is the appropriate allowance.
- If an employee is on significant travel status or consistently out of the office and needs to be reachable in order to perform his or her job and conduct university business, $50 per month is the appropriate allowance.
- Employees required to maintain constant access to email communication can seek special consideration from their supervisor for a monthly data plan allowance. Requests for this alternate limit will be considered on a case-by-case basis through the campus business officer and require approval by the appropriate chancellor, vice president, or his or her designee.
- The allowance will be reimbursed to employees through the payroll system. The amount of the allowance will be added to the employees’ rate of pay and will be considered taxable income.
- The Recurring Pay Request (ZPRECPAY000) transaction in the accounting system must be processed using the wage type 2MOB and routed through workflow to initiate, change or terminate the allowance.