FI0002-M Unit Name Change

  1. Purpose

To provide guidance and consistent management of requests to change the name of a university unit and to ensure proper communication of the campus decision approval process. Proposals for university unit name changes shall be electronically submitted for approval in accordance with the university administrative reporting channels, through the appropriate member of the Chancellor’s Cabinet. Positive endorsements will be forwarded to the Chancellor for review with the Cabinet. Approved academic unit name changes shall be forwarded to the UT System for other necessary approvals prior to implementation. Approved non-academic unit name changes shall be submitted for implementation. Approved name changes, unless otherwise permitted, will become effective with the next academic year to coincide with fiscal year planning for updating publications, signage, and budget reporting.


Proposals for a non-academic unit name change shall be submitted via an online form available at: and follow the appropriate chain of command with support at each administrative level from the department head through the appropriate member of the Chancellor’s Cabinet to the Chancellor. Requests shall include a brief explanation describing the reason for the request. Notification of the decision process will be returned through the chain of command; additionally, authorization of approved name changes will be distributed electronically to the appropriate campus offices as itemized below.


Proposals for an academic unit name change shall be submitted via an online form available at: and follow the appropriate chain of command with support at each administrative level from the department head through the Provost to the Chancellor. Requests shall include a brief explanation describing the reason for the request. If the decision is approved, the name change request is forwarded to the UT System office, which handles other necessary approvals. Notification of the decision process will be returned through the chain of command; additionally, authorization of approved name changes will be distributed electronically to the appropriate campus offices as itemized below.


Upon final approval, an automated notification will be routed to the Chancellor’s Cabinet and university units listed below:

  1. Chancellor’s Office
  2. Academic Affairs: Catalog, SACSCOC, Institutional Research, Admissions, Financial Aid, Faculty Senate President, Campus Operator, One Stop Shop, Student Success Center
  3. University Advancement: Alumni
  4. Diversity and Inclusion: Equity and Diversity
  5. Finance and Administration: Bursar, Business Services, Human Resources, Public Safety, Physical Plant, Skyhawk Printing and Mail Services, Computer Store, Environmental Health & Safety
  6. Information Technology Services: Banner Team, Help Desk, Email, Telephone Services
  7. Student Affairs: Disability Services, Career Planning and Development
  8. University Relations: Addenda
  9. Vendors: Bookstore and Campus Dining

FI0002-M Unit Name Change
Version: 1 // Effective: 01/18/2022
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