UT Health Science Center: FA101 UTHSC Distinguished Professor Policy | |
Version 1 |
Publication Date: 06/14/2022 |
Resp. Office: FACULTY AFFAIRS Approval Body: FAWG |
Effective Date: 06/05/2012 |
Category: Faculty |
Last Review: 08/04/2016 |
Next Review: 08/01/2019 |
Contact: Cynthia Russell, Associate Vice Chancellor Faculty Affairs Office |
901.448.6158 | |
Related Information: |
In order to recognize faculty who have provided outstanding service to the campus for a prolonged period, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center has created the title of UTHSC Distinguished Professor.
The title of UTHSC Distinguished Professor may be awarded to a full-time UTHSC faculty member who has served with excellence for 10 or more years and who plans to continue in service to the university. The specific criteria for these appointments may vary by college; however, such appointments are initiated by the dean. Annually, each dean can nominate one or more faculty from his/her college to be considered for this honorific title. The dean’s recommendation will be considered by the Chancellor; and, if approved by the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor for Academic, Faculty and Student Affairs will be notified for endorsement of the appointment.
Normally, UTHSC Distinguished Professors are appointed for three years. Faculty members who receive this honorific title are subject to annual performance reviews in the same manner as other faculty. However, every third year following the initial appointment, the annual review will also include an additional discussion with the dean regarding continuation of this title. The use of the title may be discontinued by the dean if the faculty member ceases to perform in an exemplary manner (as evidenced by an evaluation of ‘needs improvement’ or ‘unsatisfactory’) or is no longer performing at the level expected of an individual holding this title.
Reviewed by Faculty Affairs Work Group (FAWG): August 4, 2016