F1001-M Keys


This procedure will detail issuance and use of keys for the campus.


  1. Keys to outside entrances and inner doors of University buildings and facilities will be issued to authorized personnel by Public Safety. Personnel authorized to receive keys normally consist of UTM employees; however, students may be issued keys on a semesterly basis when departmental written requests have been approved by Public Safety.
  2. Departments must request the key(s) using an electronic form found on the Public Safety webpage and the request must be approved by the Supervisor, Facilities Manager, Locksmith, Physical Plant, and Public Safety. Once approved, the Physical Plant will make the key and send it to Public Safety where the employee will pick up the key(s). Only the person for whom the keys are requested can pick up the keys. If the electronic form is a request for a student to receive a key, the electronic form will also route to Human Resources to have a background check completed on them. The form must be electronically signed for receipt of the keys that includes the following agreement:
    • To not allow anyone else use of the keys
    • To not allow duplication of the keys
    • To relock and secure all doors when entering or leaving locked premises
    • To assume responsibility for the conduct of any and all persons admitted into locked areas.
    • To notify Public Safety immediately if keys are lost
    • To return all keys issued prior to departure from the University or after any internal reassignment or move which changes the need for access.
    • Failure to return all keys prior to departure could result in the employee’s final payroll check to be withheld.


  1. Responsibility for keys is shared jointly between the individual, department head and Public Safety. The safe return of keys and the end of employment primarily rests with the individual. Therefore, individuals should not exchange with, borrow from, or loan out keys to anyone for any reason. The department head must also assist in proper accountability for keys issued. Public Safety will also assist in the record keeping for individual keys that are issued and returned to them. Any questions concerning key records should be directed to Public Safety in Crisp Hall.
  2. Each building on campus has a Master Key. Master Keys will be only be issued to the following:
    • Building Managers
    • Maintenance personnel as needed to perform their duties
  3. When a building or suite is occupied by two or more departments, the request for a submaster key must be authorized by all department heads who occupy the building.


  1. If a key is lost, notification will be made immediately to the Office of Public Safety and every effort possible made to recover the key. A replacement key will not be issued until a complete report is made and it is determined that the key cannot be recovered and providing negligence on the part of the individual is not indicated.
  2. The next step is to meet with Departments involved, Public Safety and the Physical Plant Director to determine which doors will need to be re-keyed. The re-keying of doors will be at the Department’s expense.

F1001-M Keys
Version: 2 // Effective: 08/26/2021
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