To provide easily recognizable and understood signage that is consistent in its design and in agreement with current graphic standards policies.
This policy establishes procedures for the development of internal building graphics and standardizes their appearance, while taking into consideration the UT System Brand Guide (https://brand.tennessee.edu/) and UTHSC Branding Guidelines (https://www.uthsc.edu/brand/index.php).
Any UTHSC employees requesting, producing, and approving internal building graphics. The guidelines apply to all signage in new and existing buildings.
- The UT System and UTHSC Branding Guidelines will be considered in the production of all interior signage.
- Interior building graphics will project a simple, dignified, and uncluttered appearance by utilizing clearly legible signs mounted securely (though replaceable) in a natural line of sight to present easily understood locations and messages.
- New buildings will be initially outfitted accordingly; existing buildings will be retrofitted as funds become available and as buildings are remodeled. Room numbers, departmental and division names, floor and building directories, and all other interior building graphics should conform to these guidelines.
- UTHSC team members are not permitted to design and mount art or graphics on interior building space without prior approval by UTHSC Office of Communications and Marketing (OCM), who will assure UT System and UTHSC Branding Guidelines, including color palette and visual design guidelines, are followed.
- The UTHSC Sign Shop will develop the appropriate interior building signage required in accordance with an established signage template through the OCM. The UTHSC Sign Shop will work with the appropriate unit designee, and ensure that the signs are necessary, match the UTHSC template, and are installed to comply with ADA standards. The UTHSC Sign Shop will work with Facilities to install and/or replace signs.
- Tactile/Braille space (room) numbers and other related signage will be placed in accordance with the technical requirements outlined in the current ADA Standards for Accessible Design. Where these standards cannot be fully met with reasonable effort or expense special instructions will come from the Facilities Planning Office.
- Tactile/Braille space (room) number panels and visual name panels will be mounted in standard plastic frames.
- Permanent spaces (such as restrooms, exit stairs, etc.), will be identified with the appropriate pictogram and/or word. These will be mounted in standard plastic frames where size allows.
- Tactile/Braille space (room) numbers and visual text for signs are made with electronic machines using a CNC engraver on approved substrates.