BTOO29-M Housing Allowances for Senior-Level Administrators

Housing Allowances for Senior-Level Administrators


Board of Trustees Policy BT0029 provides guidelines on the payment of housing allowances for senior- level administrators. This supplement provides additional requirements for the Martin campus.

This procedure also addresses short-term housing (outside of the normal housing policies and procedures) provided by the university for faculty, staff, and students who are not currently enrolled. Students who are currently enrolled are not eligible for short-term housing through this procedure, and charges and payments should be recorded in the student information system. This procedure also does not address camps and events.



The Chancellor may be eligible for a housing allowance upon initial appointment by the UT President. Allowances for Martin faculty, staff, and students are not permissible.



The university may pay for short-term University-owned housing for faculty and staff when necessary for the performance of job duties. In addition, short-term University-owned housing may be provided for new temporary or permanent faculty and staff members to allow time for the employees to search for housing. Students who are not enrolled may occupy university housing for short periods of time such as times of athletic preparation prior to a season in keeping with university and NCAA rules.


  1. The requesting department should obtain pre-approval by the Chief Business Officer prior to offering housing.
  2. All housing agreements must be specified in the appointment letter prepared by the department.
  3. For non-enrolled students, the requesting department should send an itemized request by student to financial aid for review to ensure that there are not aid implications prior to finalizing housing.
  4. If the department is charged via a transfer voucher, copies of the signed appointment letter should be attached to the entry. If the individual is an unenrolled student, the verification by financial aid should also be attached.

BTOO29-M Housing Allowances for Senior-Level Administrators
Version: 1 // Effective: 02/28/2019
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