ADM0300-H Leadership Institute – Administration



Effective Date: 07/01/2016

Category: Leadership Institute

Last Review: 11/15/2021

Next Review: 11/15/2024

Contact: Chandra Alston – Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources

🕿 901.448.5600



The Leadership Institute purpose is to increase participants’ understanding of leadership in higher education and promote leadership effectiveness at UT. The Leadership is designed to help equip current and future UT leaders with tools to be successful managers in academic and administrative roles.

Similar to the academic rigor that produces top-notch researcher at the University, the institute provides a research-based foundation for UT administrators to be experts in leadership. The Institute also gives participants the opportunity to practice these leadership skills in a hands-on, experiential learning setting.

Below is a list of topics covered at the institute:

  • Defining Leadership
  • Self-Assessment of Personal Leadership Characteristics
  • Interaction with University Leaders
  • Organizational Dynamics and Functions
  • Organizational and Campus Culture


Candidate shall be an administrative staff member (director or above) or faculty (department chair or above), shall have been in present position for at least one year, and shall directly benefit from the program.


  1. The University-Wide Office of Human Resource Development initiates a request for individuals to attend the Institute for Leadership Effectiveness.
  2. The UTHSC Office of the Chancellor solicits nominees; and the Chancellor selects the appropriate number of nominees and forward names to the University-Wide Office of Human Resource Development for final Selection.
  3. The University President notifies candidates of their selection.
  4. Candidates selected receive a congratulatory letter form the Chancellor and other appropriate forms of recognition. A pre-Institute session is held when possible.
  5. Candidates not selected, who continue to meet the criteria, may be advanced in priority for the following year.
  6. A list of the UTHSC attendees to the Institute is updated and maintained by the Office of the Chancellor.

ADM0300-H Leadership Institute – Administration
Version: // Effective: 07/01/2016
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