No./Title: AA117 – REPEAT COURSE POLICY | Resp. Office: ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Approval Body: CASA | Effective Date: 01/20/2015 |
Category: Students | Last Review: 06/01/2021 | Next Review: 06/01/2024 |
Contact: MaryAnn Clark, Associate Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs | 🕿 901.448.1290 | |
Related Policies & Interpretation: | Course Add/Drop Policy Credit Hour Policy Withdrawal Policy Additional guidance and information can be found at: |
UTHSC recognizes that students may need to repeat coursework to correct academic deficiencies or to complete coursework from a prior term. The purpose of this policy is to provide clear and consistent directions, guidelines, responsibilities, and accountabilities associated with course registration and repeated coursework, while maintaining the integrity of learning outcomes. Repeat policies and practices are typical for many institutions of higher education. Policies adopted by UTHSC for repeat coursework include the following:
- All grades earned for a given course shall appear on the official transcript and all of the final grades earned in a given course shall be averaged into the overall grade point average.
- Each repeated course is counted only once in determining credit hours to fulfill academic degree requirements
- The maximum number of times that a course can be repeated is twice, for a total of three attempts per course, unless an exception is granted by the college dean. A course attempt also includes coursework by students withdrawing from a course with grades of W, WF, or WP grades
All requests to repeat a course must be approved by the college dean or designee prior to student course matriculation; such approval is then entered by the college staff in the student information system.
When a student has obtained permission from their respective academic dean to repeat a course, the administrative staff at the college should enter the approved course repeat permission in the student information system. The restrictions on repeated courses are based on the number of, and competition for available seats. Students may then register for the approved repeated course.
It is the responsibility of the Registrar’s Office to update the student information system and to handle the processing of repeat grades and credit hours.
For a course to be considered a repeat of a previous course, the student must complete the same course, as defined by the title and course number. If a new course has been designated by the college as the original course’s equivalent, it will be considered an identical course for purposes of this policy. If a course is retired, it will no longer be possible to repeat the course.
Effective: January 20, 2015, Committee on Academic and Student Affairs (CASA) Reviewed: May 15, 2018, CASA
Chancellor Approved: May 23, 2018
Reviewed: June 1, 2021, CASA
Approved: June 7, 2021, Chief Academic Officer