AA115-H Credit by Examination Policy – Academic Affairs



Approval Body: CASA

Effective Date: 08/01/2017

Category: Academic

Last Review: 08/04/2020

Next Review: 08/04/2026

Contact: Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for

Academic and Faculty Affairs

 901.448.4930


Related Policies:

Transfer Credit Policy


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) provides students with opportunities to demonstrate college and university-level learning through Credit by Exam (CBE).


The UTHSC offers comprehensive examinations for selected courses in which proficiency may be determined by examination. Academic credit may be earned through satisfactory completion of standardized national exams or advanced subsidiary level exams designed, written, and authorized by a participating department or College Dean’s Office. Credit earned by examination may be used to satisfy requirements in the same manner as the college courses which the tests replace, or as the college might specify.

A student may have one attempt on each examination. The minimum passing score on an examination must be equivalent to a “C” to earn credit. The passing score required for each examination will be determined by the department or College Dean’s Office.

Credit earned by examination is considered transfer credit. The total amount of transfer credit accepted toward the degree cannot exceed the maximum total of 9 hours at the graduate level or 25% of the undergraduate Program of Study at the undergraduate level.

Credit by Examination is not computed in the grade point average (GPA).


  1. Student is identified to pursue CBE. Student should not be enrolled in the course for which the credit would be applied.
  2. Student must remit payment* for the CBE directly to Bursar and receive from the Bursar an Examination Receipt.
  3. Student must present the Examination Receipt to the College Dean’s Office before they may sit for the CBE. Student may have only one attempt on each examination.
  4. A passing score (see description above) on the CBE shall be reported to the Registrar’s Office before the University Census Date as posted on the Academic Calendar.
  5. A CBE course shall be posted to the student’s transcript as Transfer Credit articulated to the course for which the CBE is to be accrued.
  6. All Transfer Credit will be accrued toward the overall degree requirements – not more than 9 total hours at the graduate level or more than 25% at the undergraduate level.

*Payment for each examination is determined by the College Dean’s Office and may be found on the College web site. Financial Aid funds may not be used to pay for the CBE. The College Dean’s office may waive the fee for credit by examination.


Effective: August 1, 2017

Approved: July 18, 2017 Committee on Academic and Student Affairs (CASA) Reviewed: August 4, 2020, CASA

Approved: August 4, 2020, CASA Approved: 10/03/2023, CASA

AA115-H Credit by Examination Policy – Academic Affairs
Version: 2 // Effective: 07/23/2024
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