AA104-H Continuing Education Policy



Approval Body: CASA

Effective Date: 11/01/1983

Category: Academic

Last Review: 5/1/2020

Next Review: 5/1/2026

Contact: Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic and Faculty Affairs

 901.448. 4930



Policies: F-125 Conflict of Interest



The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) recognizes the importance of lifelong learning, for its own community (faculty, students and staff), for its graduates and for members of the public at large. Moreover, as an institution that is committed to the education of a wide range of health care professionals, UTHSC also acknowledges a role in providing continuing education activities that will facilitate lifelong learning.


The UTHSC policy on continuing education is as follows:

  1. The UTHSC acknowledges a commitment to the continuing education of health professionals on its campuses and in the region and state.
  2. The faculty in each college are responsible for developing the content of its continuing education activities based on identified needs/emerging trends, for establishing appropriate venues for their delivery, and for insuring the continuing education activities meet the standards set by their accrediting body.
  3. All continuing education activities offered through UTHSC shall be vetted by the appropriate college faculty committee or faculty group and the UTHSC Communications and Marketing Office to ensure that the UTHSC brand is being used appropriately.
  4. Each college is financially responsible for its continuing education activities and is expected to control all income and expenditures related to these activities, including payment of honoraria to participating faculty and staff.
  5. The colleges of UTHSC are encouraged to cosponsor activities with each other and, when appropriate, with their respective professional associations and other educational institutions and organizations.
  6. The colleges are encouraged to seek new sources of support and cooperation for continuing education programming and development in consultation with the Office of Advancement and with the approval of the Office of Operations and Finance.
  7. Individual colleges are responsible for maintaining an official record system of all continuing education activities that they sponsor, including the roster of participants in these activities.
  8. Records of continuing education activities regarding courses offered, number of participants and credits issued are to be submitted by each college to the Office of Academic, Faculty, and Student Affairs.


Effective: November, 1983

Revised: June, 1994

Reviewed: August 7, 2012, Committee on Academic and Student Affairs (CASA) Reviewed: October 6, 2015, Committee on Academic and Student Affairs (CASA) Approved: October 10, 2015, Chancellor

Reviewed: May 1, 2017, Committee on Academic and Student Affairs (CASA) Reviewed/Approved: May 5, 2020, CASA

Approved: 10/03/2023, CASA

AA104-H Continuing Education Policy
Version: 2 // Effective: 07/23/2024
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