AA103-H Certificate Policy

UT Health Science Center: AA103-H Certificate Policy

Version 2

Publication Date: 01/31/2025



Approval Body: CASA

Effective Date: 01/01/2000

Category: Academic

Last Review: 12/07/2021

Next Review: 12/07/2024

Contact: Senior Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic

and Faculty Affairs

 901.448.1290


Related Policies:

This policy for UTHSC certificates conforms to the guidelines accepted as an information item by the University of Tennessee Board of Trustees at its June meeting in 2000.


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) awards two types of certificates: 1) post-baccalaureate certificates requiring completion of formal coursework in a defined program of study that involves a minimum of 9 semester credit hours; 2) certificates acknowledging completion of approved post-graduate training programs such as fellowships, residencies, and postdoctoral research programs. Issuance of certificates requires sponsorship by an academic department or unit at UTHSC and approval by the Vice Chancellor for Academic, Faculty and Student Affairs.


Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Programs

Post-baccalaureate programs resulting in a certificate bearing the University of Tennessee seal must meet the following:

  • The program for which the certificate is awarded must be reviewed and approved as outlined in the AA107 Curricular Changes to Academic Programs;
  • The curriculum of the program must be provided by UTHSC faculty with appropriate qualifications and credentials;*
  • The program must be included in the Academic Program Inventory of the University of Tennessee that is presented annually to the UT Board of Trustees and to the Tennessee Higher Education Commission ;
  • The program shall provide a minimum of (9) semester hours of graduate-level academic credit courses or the equivalent;
  • The program curricular requirements must be included in the academic Bulletin;
  • Permanent records for program participants must be maintained by the Office of the Registrar;

Certificates for Completion of Formal Training Programs

  • For certificates relating to completion of residency or fellowship programs, the dean of the sponsoring college (or designee) shall have oversight responsibility for issuing certificates, for assuring sufficient credentials for the supervising faculty and for maintaining records of individuals to whom the certificates are issued.
  • Certificates for postdoctoral fellows who are completing training at UTHSC will be issued by the UTHSC Postdoctoral Office; records of the individuals receiving these certificates will be maintained by that office.

The name of the responsible individual for each type of certificate will be reported to the Vice Chancellor for Academic, Faculty and Student Affairs. Only the designated college individuals will have authority to obtain (print) and issue academic certificates on behalf of UTHSC.

Certificates will be printed at UTHSC, bear the seal of the University, and have the signature of the dean of the sponsoring college, the program director and the Chancellor.

The format must be approved by the Vice Chancellor for Academic, Faculty and Student Affairs. The Office of the Registrar will provide examples of approved formats for selection by the dean/program director.

No certificates shall be given for continuing education; certification statements or letters should be used for this purpose. Documents presented in appreciation of or in acknowledgmentof special achievement or service, etc., generally are referred to as “service certificates,” are not covered by this policy and do not require the signature of the Chancellor. Service certificates may be developed by the issuing department with one requirement: the name of the institution, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center, must be correctly displayed.


Effective: January, 2000

Revised: June 5, 2012, Committee on Academic and Student Affairs (CASA) Revised: November 1, 2012, Committee on Academic and Student Affairs (CASA) Revision: October 6, 2015, Committee on Academic and Student Affairs (CASA) Approved: October 12, 2015, Chancellor

Revised: December 4, 2018, CASA

Approved: December 5, 2018, Chancellor

Approved: December 7, 2021, CASA

Approved: January 25, 2022, Chief Academic Officer

*Per SACS faculty credentials standards and UTHSC faculty appointment policies.

AA103-H Certificate Policy
Version: 2 // Effective: 01/31/2025
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