In accordance with 40 CFR 262.262, the following is the Contingency Plan Quick Reference Guide for the UTHSC Central Hazardous Waste Accumulation Area (CHWAA). This Quick Reference Guide is a supporting document to the University’s Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan. Should an emergency involving hazardous waste occur, the Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan and conditions for implementation as outlined in that plan define the response and notification requirements.
Hazardous waste accumulation areas on the UTHSC campus include the following:
- One central accumulation area located at the Van Vleet Building, 3 N. Dunlap Street, Rooms S106/S108. The hazardous waste accumulation area is managed by the UTHSC Environmental Services Coordinator (901-448-6115).
- One radioactive waste accumulation area located at the Van Vleet Building, 3 N. Dunlap Street, Rooms S118/S119. The radioactive waste accumulation area is managed by the UTHSC Office of Research Safety Affairs.
- Satellite Accumulation Areas (SAA) may be present in research buildings across campus. These remain under the control of the research staff generating the waste.
Hazardous Waste Description
The hazardous waste contained within the CHWAA consists of the following:
- Small containers of old or unwanted laboratory reagents (i.e., lab pack waste) individually packaged in their original manufacturer containers. Containers are segregated by hazard class. Common hazards include flammables, corrosives, toxics, oxidizers, compressed gas cylinders.
- Mixtures of flammable organic solvents.
- Hazardous waste mixed with low-level radioactive waste.
Containers within the CHWAA are segregated by hazard class and packaging group.
Maximum amount of hazardous waste
The CHWAA will have less than 400 gallons of non-acute hazardous waste. Acutely hazardous waste is sometimes placed in a SAA and will be less than 5 kilogram if present. Each SAA will have less than 55 gallons of non-acute hazardous waste and 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste.
Unique hazards
Any unique hazards presented within a location are identified on a sign posted on each door at the entry point to the location where the CHWAA is located. These signs are updated annually. Additionally, the hazards associated with individual waste containers are indicated on the container. Most forms of chemical waste do not require unique or special treatment.
Occasional small quantities of compounds may be collected that require a specific treatment. These compounds and treatments are listed here:
- Compound: Hydrogen Fluoride Treatment: Calcium gluconate gel (2.5%)
- Compound: Sodium cyanide and potassium cyanide
Treatment: Cyanide antidote kit (amyl nitrite, sodium nitrite, and sodium thiosulfate)
A complete list of campus and off-campus buildings and the spaces containing SAA’s within the buildings is maintained in the attachment to this Quick Guide on a campus wide map located at . Drawings (by floor) of UTHSC buildings is available on the UTHSC Facilities web site at
Map/Evacuation routes
A campus map illustrating buildings, hazardous waste accumulation areas and their location in relation to surrounding areas is provided in the attachment. A campus map can also be viewed on the UTHSC website. Location specific evacuation maps are posted in every building. The UTHSC Emergency Action Plans (EAP) include campus evacuation and notification procedures and would be implemented by UTHSC Police or Safety Affairs if an incident involving a hazardous waste accumulation area required evacuation.
Water Supply
UTHSC buildings are equipped with sprinkler systems as well as fire hydrants in proximity to the buildings. The Memphis Fire Department (MFD) maintains emergency plans for response to emergency incidents at UTHSC. These plans include the locations of all stationary emergency equipment including fire hydrants, fire department connections (FDC) and post indicator valves (PIV) and are periodically reviewed in conjunction with University personnel.
On-site notification systems
The UTHSC Campus Police manages facility and campus emergency notification systems, which include text messaging, speaker notification on campus telephones, area speakers and sirens across the campus, and web site notifications. These systems are activated as appropriate, depending on the level of the emergency.
Emergency Coordinator
The Chief Safety Officer is the Hazardous Materials Emergency Coordinator (HMEC) and the Environmental Services Coordinator is the alternate HMEC. The HMEC may be reached at (901) 586-7871 (mobile) and the alternate (HMEC) may be reached at (901) 448-6115 during normal business hours (8 AM – 5 PM). The UTHSC Police Department maintains 24/7 emergency dispatch service which may be reached from any campus phone, 8-4444, or (901) 448-4444 from a cell phone. Should the dispatcher determine that a Hazardous Material emergency has occurred they will contact the Emergency Coordinators.
Revision Date: 12/13/23