HR0350 – Holidays
University Holidays | Holiday Recognized on a Non-scheduled Work Day |
Eligibility for Holidays | Compressed Work Weeks |
Holiday Compensation | Procedures |
Holiday Recognized on a Scheduled Work Day | Related Policies |
To specify holidays and compensation guidelines for regular university employees.
- The university recognizes the following days as holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When a recognized holiday is on Saturday, it is observed on the preceding Friday. When a recognized holiday is on Sunday, it is observed on the following Monday.
Eligibility for Holidays - All regular university employees in active pay status (as defined in HR0105 – Employment Status) qualify for holiday compensation for the days listed above. Any of the following provisions apply to determine eligibility for holiday compensation:
- Employees who work or who are in active pay status all available work days in their scheduled work week receive compensation for all holidays in the work week.
- Employees in an active pay status on the work days immediately preceding and following a holiday receive compensation for the holiday
Holiday Compensation
General Guidelines
- Regular full-time employees are compensated for 8 hours per holiday. Regular part-time employees are compensated for holidays at a rate pro rata to their planned working time in the accounting system.
Holiday Recognized on a Scheduled Work Day - The following provisions apply to compensation for a holiday occurring on an employee’s scheduled work day:
- Any holiday within a period of an employee’s sick, annual, or other leave with pay is holiday leave and is recorded as such, not to exceed the hours in accordance with item 3.
- Compensation for a holiday worked by a non-exempt employee is at the employee’s current rate of pay (straight time) for the number of hours worked, plus holiday compensation in accordance with item 3. If the total hours worked, holidays, and administrative closing exceed forty (40) hours in the work week, compensation for overtime is made in accordance with Human Resources policy HR0445 – Overtime Compensation.
Holiday Recognized on a Non-scheduled Work Day
- The following provisions apply to compensation for a holiday occurring on an employee’s non-scheduled work day:
- Compensation is provided in accordance with item 3.
- With the supervisor’s approval, an employee may recognize a holiday on one of the employee’s regularly scheduled work days. In this case, non-duty pay for the holiday is at the employee’s current rate of regular pay not to exceed item 3.
Compressed Work Weeks
- During a week in which a paid holiday(s) occurs for:
- Regular full-time employees the compressed work week schedule is suspended, and departments use a five (5) day / eight (8) hour day work schedule.
- Regular part-time employees the work week schedule is adjusted to provide holiday compensation in accordance with item 3 and when added to the hours worked, the total hours do not exceed the regular part-time schedule so that holiday compensation does not reduce or increase the total hours in the work week.
If business necessity requires an exception, human resources must be contacted for compliance.
Related Policies: HR0105 – Employment Status, HR0320 – Administrative Closings