Appendix D – Datacenter Cold Start Procedures
- Power / UPS / HVAC
- Startup UPS units and verify power output
- Startup HVAC units
- Verify HVAC and UPS systems are functioning properly
- Networking / Security
- Core
- Firewalls
- Rack switches
- Internet connectivity
- SANs
- Power on expansion bays
- Boot controllers
- Verify pools
- Blade Chassis
- Startup both chassis
- Startup all blades
- VMware Environment
- vCenter Server Appliance
- Login to each host to find vCenter Server Appliance
- Startup VM
- Verify fully booted
- Login to vCenter as root
- Verify vCenter Server Appliance functionality
- vCenter Server Appliance
- Core Services (AD / DC / DNS / DHCP / CAS / CA)
- Startup UTMDCDNS01
- Verify fully booted and logins working
- Startup UTMDCDNS03 & 04
- Startup CAS servers
- Startup UTMDHCP
- Startup UTMCA and UTMCA2
- Startup External DNS servers
- Verify functionality of services
- Startup UTMDCDNS01
- File Shares
- Startup FSCluster Nodes
- Run cluster validation
- Banner
- Startup VMs
- Database
- JobSub
- Administrative
- Self-Service
- Imaging servers
- Verify functionality of services
- Startup VMs
- Webservers
- Startup MySQL server
- Startup webservers
- Verify functionality
- SQL Cluster
- Startup VMs
- Run cluster validation
- Exchange 2016
- Startup VM
- Verify functionality
- All Other Services (respective admins)
- Startup VMs
- Startup physical machines
- Begin testing services for availability / functionality and troubleshoot as needed