IT0128-M-D – Datacenter Cold Start Procedures

Appendix D – Datacenter Cold Start Procedures

  1. Power / UPS / HVAC
    1. Startup UPS units and verify power output
    2. Startup HVAC units
    3. Verify HVAC and UPS systems are functioning properly
  2. Networking / Security
    1. Core
    2. Firewalls
    3. Rack switches
    4. Internet connectivity
  3. SANs
    1. Power on expansion bays
    2. Boot controllers
    3. Verify pools
  4. Blade Chassis
    1. Startup both chassis
    2. Startup all blades
  5. VMware Environment
    1. vCenter Server Appliance
      1. Login to each host to find vCenter Server Appliance
      2. Startup VM
      3. Verify fully booted
    2. Login to vCenter as root
    3. Verify vCenter Server Appliance functionality
  6. Core Services (AD / DC / DNS / DHCP / CAS / CA)
    1. Startup UTMDCDNS01
      1. Verify fully booted and logins working
    2. Startup UTMDCDNS03 & 04
    3. Startup CAS servers
    4. Startup UTMDHCP
    5. Startup UTMCA and UTMCA2
    6. Startup External DNS servers
    7. Verify functionality of services
  7. File Shares
    1. Startup FSCluster Nodes
    2. Run cluster validation
  8. Banner
    1. Startup VMs
      1. Database
      2. JobSub
      3. Administrative
      4. Self-Service
      5. Imaging servers
    2. Verify functionality of services
  9. Webservers
    1. Startup MySQL server
    2. Startup webservers
    3. Verify functionality
  10. SQL Cluster
    1. Startup VMs
    2. Run cluster validation
  11. Exchange 2016
    1. Startup VM
    2. Verify functionality
  12. All Other Services (respective admins)
    1. Startup VMs
    2. Startup physical machines
  13. Begin testing services for availability / functionality and troubleshoot as needed

IT0128-M-D – Datacenter Cold Start Procedures
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