No./Title: Compliance with Drug-Free Campus | Resp. Offices: Human Resources; | Effective Date: 10/25/2019 |
Category: Employees and Students | Last Review: 10/25/2019 | Next Review: 10/25/2022 |
Contact: Human Resources | 🕿 901-448-5900 | 🖂 |
Related Policies HR 720 Drug Free Campus Workplace HR0580 – Code of Conduct (Employee) | SA 116 Drug and Alcohol Policy Student Code of Conduct |
The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) of 1989 and Part 86 of the Education Department’s General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) requires the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center (UTHSC) to certify that it has developed and implemented a drug and alcohol abuse education and prevention program. The program must be designed to prevent the unlawful possession, use, and distribution of drugs and alcohol on campus and at recognized events and activities. In addition, UTHSC must conduct a biennial review to measure the effectiveness of its drug and alcohol abuse prevention program and to ensure consistent treatment in its enforcement of disciplinary sanctions.
UTHSC has a number of policies related to drug and alcohol prevention. Codes of Conduct are in place for employees and students. The Code of Conduct for employees is posted on the UTHSC System Administration website. The Student Code of Conduct is published in the online student handbook, CenterScope. Additionally, policies related to drug and alcohol may be found in the Policy Manager, the UTHSC online policy repository. See the links provided above in Related Policies section.
Annual Distribution
- On an annual basis, UTHSC distributes written information about its drug and alcohol abuse prevention program (DAAPP) to all students, faculty, and staff.
- The DAAPP is distributed annually to all current employees in October via email. Additionally, to ensure all employees receive the DAAPP regardless of hire date, it is also provided to new employees during the mandatory orientation conducted by Human Resources.
- Students are admitted twice yearly. The students who enter in the fall term will receive the DAAPP in October of each year via email. For spring term matriculants, the DAAPP is distributed to students who matriculate in January by the Office of Admissions.
Contents of the DAAPP
The UTHSC DAAPP includes:
- A written statement about the Employee and Student Codes of Conduct which prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees
- A written description of legal sanctions imposed under Federal, state, and local laws for unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol
- A description of health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol
- A description of any drug or alcohol counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation or peer assistance programs available to students and employees
- A statement the UTHSC will imposed disciplinary sanctions on students and employees for violations of the UTHSC’s codes of conduct and a description of the sanctions.
The information required in the DAAPP is also located on the UTHSC Website: Drug and Alcohol-Free Campus and Workplace.
Compliance with the requirement for the Biennial Review of the DAAPP will be a shared responsibility between the Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources (or designee) and the Director of Student Affairs and Community Engagement/Chief Student Affairs Officer (or designee)
The two responsible parties will:
Convene the DAAPP Committee to review data related to the DAAPP on or before October 1 of each year. The Committee members include representatives from:
- Academic Support Services and Inclusion
- Campus Security
- Communication and Marketing
- Enrollment Management
- Human Resources
- Student Affairs and Community Engagement
- University Health
- Create the Biennial Review Report to be shared with the committee, the Vice Chancellor for Academic, Faculty and Student Affairs, the Executive Vice Chancellor and the Chancellor
- Seek written approval from the Chancellor
- Post the report on the UTHSC Drug-Free Campus and Workplace Website
- Keep the Biennial Review on file in the Offices of the Chancellor, Human Resources, Campus Safety, Student Affairs and Community Engagement, and Financial Aid.
- The custodian of the Biennial Review will be the Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources (or designee) to fulfill requests from the public or local, state or Federal governmental agencies.
The Biennial Review will:
- Determine the effectiveness of and implementation of any needed changes to the alcohol and drug programs, and
- Ensure the disciplinary sanctions for violating standards of conduct are enforced consistently.
The UTHSC Chancellor approves and signs the Biennial Review Report.
Effective: October 25, 2019